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Principal Officials

                                        BOARD MEMBERS – as of 6-30-15

Name                                    Began     Expires                   Profession

Steven DiMauro                          01-01-08  12-31-17             Industry Solutions Executive
(Vice-President)                                                       IBM

Patricia Engelman                       01-01-10  12-31-17             Retired Financial Executive

James Field                             01-01-12  12-31-15             Manager, Heinen’s Fine Foods

Gary Mushock                            01-01-08  12-31-15             Project Manager

David Zuro                              01-01-10  12-31-17             Retired Telecommunications Manager

                                        ADMINISTRATION – as of 6-30-15

                     Name                                              Position

                     Phillip Herman                         Superintendent

                     Kathryn Sines                          Treasurer

                     Doreen Osmun                           Assistant Superintendent and
                     Derek Cluse                            Director of Curriculum & Instruction

                                                            Business Manager

                     Lisa Hunt                              Director of Human Resources

                     Kelly Kempf                            Director of Pupil Services

                        Mark Leventhal                      Supervisor of Special Services
Employee Relations

The District currently has approximately 647 employees. Two labor organizations represent District employees. Certified
employees, including teachers and educational specialists, are represented for collective bargaining purposes by the Hudson
Education Association (HEA). Support employees, including cooks, custodians, educational aides and clerical staff, are
represented for collective bargaining purposes by the Ohio Association of Public School Employees Local 372 (OAPSE).

Services Provided

The District provides a wide variety of educational and support services as mandated by the Ohio Revised Code or Board
directives. The District contracts out its transportation of students. During the 2014-15 fiscal year, the District’s fleet of 55 buses
traveled 3,042 miles each day providing transportation services to 2,505 public and 228 private and parochial students. The
Nutrition Services Department served an average of 2,341 meals daily for a total of 402,598 meals annually through the District’s
school lunchrooms.

In addition to transportation and school lunch support services offered to children in the District, guidance, special education,
(including school psychology services) and health services are available free of charge. Guidance services support the school
environment and are designed to help students achieve a well-adjusted social life. Special education services, including school
psychology services, are provided for all 14 federal disability categories ranging from preschool-age students through high school.
Health services consist of the staffing of school clinics with R.N. or L.P.N. level nurses and health promotion classes.

                                                                                                     HUDSON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT

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