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o Providing counseling services through partner agencies to provide more intensive mental health counseling to individual
o Guidance Counselors for all students (12.5 counselors)
o Health Services for all students RN, LPN, and Medical Assistances
o Speech & Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and adaptive programs such as in physical
o Real-life experiences: Functional Living Labs, High School Cottage Industry, including woodworking, High School
Sweet Sensations Café
o Vocational and Transition to Work Programs both in-house and within the community
o Help for struggling students or student enrichment:
o Explorer Period, Grades 9-12
o Focus Periods, K-8
o Response to Intervention (RTI), Reading, Math, Behavior, pre-K-12
o Academic Resource Centers, Grades 6-12
o Math and Writing Labs, Grades 9-12
o APEX – on-line, virtual learning courses for high school students
o Elementary Supplemental Reading program
Financial Reporting
For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2015, the District continued to report in accordance with the provisions of Governmental
Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 34, “Basic Financial Statements-and Management’s Discussion and Analysis-
for the State and Local Governments.” The basis of presentation and types of basic financial statements presented are discussed in
Note 1 to the basic financial statements.
As part of this reporting model, management is responsible for preparing a Discussion and Analysis of the District. This
discussion appears after the Independent Accountants’ Report in the financial section of this report. The Management’s
Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) provides an assessment of the District’s finances for 2015. The letter of transmittal is designed
to complement the MD&A and should be read in conjunction with it.
Financial Information
Internal Accounting and Budgetary Control
The District’s accounting system is organized on a “fund” basis. Each fund is a distinct self-balancing accounting entity.
Governmental fund operations are presented on the modified accrual basis, whereby revenues are recognized when measurable and
available, and expenditures are recognized when goods and services are received. “Measurable” means the amount of the
transaction can be determined. “Available” means collectable within the current fiscal period or soon enough thereafter to be used
to pay liabilities of the current fiscal period, which the District considers to be sixty days after fiscal year-end. Proprietary funds
and the private-purpose trust fund operations are presented on the accrual basis, whereby revenues are recognized when earned,
and expenses when incurred.