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                                                   SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                                 CHANGES IN NET POSITION
                                                   LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS

                                            (ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING)

                                            2015           2014            2013           2012           2011

Expenses                                    $ 27,692,555 $ 28,005,316 $ 28,142,699 $ 27,296,776 $ 29,603,309
Governmental activities:
                                            8,739,661      8,800,972       6,518,659      6,198,419      7,012,389
   Regular                                  288,761            290,652     265,708        263,974        380,359
   Vocational                                     --- - -
   Other                                    1,290,104      1,283,858       1,211,810      1,327,522      1,395,007
  Support services:
   Pupil                                    4,516,471      4,681,004       4,959,355      5,029,365      4,660,098
   Instructional staff                      1,995,041      1,772,770       4,475,298      4,744,431      5,055,553
   Board of education
   Administration                              70,122         41,731          44,337         48,947         34,423
   Fiscal                                   3,789,299      4,059,710       4,294,431      4,201,741      4,140,062
   Business                                 1,198,288      1,627,077       2,029,663      1,488,463      1,472,350
   Operations and maintenance
   Pupil transportation                       593,218        320,399         599,758        583,773        562,450
   Central                                  5,363,794      5,076,162       5,820,731      4,758,948      5,715,952
  Operation of non-instructional services:  3,898,262      3,281,271       4,122,142      3,818,376      3,052,413
    Food service operations
    Other non-instructional services          565,003        642,675         495,129        422,134        456,023
  Extracurricular activities
                                             1,374,636      1,423,600       1,489,944      1,485,582      1,562,149
  Intergovernmental pass-through                 18,097         19,033          22,872         16,603         41,313
  Interest on long-term debt
Total governmental activities expenses       1,707,800      1,672,664       1,408,146      1,287,632      1,386,725
                                                        -              -               -              -              -
Business-type activities:
  Community education                          842,430        885,321       1,579,616      1,377,679      1,585,230
                                            63,943,542     63,884,215      67,480,298     64,350,365     68,115,805
Total business-type activities expenses
                                            1,315,393      1,345,070       1,216,037      1,196,799      1,173,451
Total primary government expenses           1,315,393      1,345,070       1,216,037      1,196,799      1,173,451

                                            $ 65,258,935 $ 65,229,285 $ 68,696,335 $ 65,547,164 $ 69,289,256

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