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                                                        SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                                 CHANGES IN NET POSITION - (Continued)
                                                           LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS

                                                   (ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING)

Program Revenues                                 2015          2014           2013                 2012             2011
Governmental activities:
                                                 $ 882,386 $ 888,626 $ 798,724 $                   330,894       $    316,116
  Charges for services:                                                                            116,880                 743
   Instruction:                                  60,560            141,314              141,021
     Regular                                                                                            568            25,825
     Special                                     1,007             5,025                855           7,812            14,886
     Other                                       6,697             9,339                8,847                         264,389
   Support services:                                                                                                   34,140
     Pupil                                       183,095           217,724              257,276    243,287                     -
     Instructional staff                          24,205            43,048               35,663     35,307                   85
     Administration                                      -                                                             18,930
     Business                                            -                 -                    -          -             1,460
     Operations and maintenance                   10,052                   -                    -          -
     Pupil transportation                                -            3,960                9,646    11,608          1,373,250
    Operation of non-instructional services:                               -                    -       766              6,893
      Food service operations
      Other non-instructional services           1,201,321     1,203,971      1,276,922            1,285,541          703,439
   Extracurricular activities                         4,573         6,582          8,279                6,314
  Operating grants and contributions:
   Instruction:                                    713,817       713,453        579,007              896,877
     Special                                     2,093,950     1,838,264      1,763,997            1,719,629        2,429,755
     Vocational                                  1,931,359     2,406,823        789,698              576,943        1,030,356
     Other                                                                       31,019               31,019
   Support services:                                34,774        42,573         10,800               10,800           31,019
     Pupil                                          10,800        10,800                                               31,239
     Instructional staff                                                        705,350              688,718
     Administration                                673,613       820,753        278,238              316,312          712,165
     Business                                       99,498        99,534        227,220              323,655          563,627
     Operations and maintenance                                                                                       371,120
     Pupil transportation                          168,967       173,782                 -                    -
     Central                                                -             -              -            25,068                   -
    Operation of non-instructional services:                              -              -                            438,013
      Food service operations                       40,369                -              -                    -       292,609
      Other non-instructional services                      -             -                                   -
   Extracurricular activities                               -                   231,386                                  5,000
   Intergovernmental pass-through                                186,608         11,061              207,699
  Capital grants and contributions:                226,121          4,443        42,312               10,602          224,050
   Instruction:                                       5,953       20,828                 -            45,651           37,502
     Regular                                        39,188                -                                   -        35,655
   Support services:                                        -                                                                  -
     Fiscal                                         46,474          36,645         25,566             35,181           46,931
     Operations and maintenance
     Pupil transportation                                   -              -              -                   -                -
   Extracurricular activities                               -              -              -                   -                -
                                                            -              -              -                   -                -
Total governmental program revenues                         -              -              -                   -                -
                                                   208,617      1,168,836      6,034,097                      -                -
Business-type activities:                        8,667,396     10,042,931     13,266,984           6,927,131        9,009,197
   Charges for services
                                                 1,369,879     1,402,122      1,291,244            1,342,133        1,244,446
Total business-type activities program revenues  1,369,879     1,402,122      1,291,244            1,342,133        1,244,446

Total primary government program revenue         $ 10,037,275 $ 11,445,053 $ 14,558,228 $          8,269,264 $ 10,253,643

Net (Expense)/Revenue                            $ (55,276,146) $ (53,841,284) $ (54,213,314) $ (57,423,234) $ (59,106,608)
Governmental activities
Business-type activities                         54,486            57,052               75,207     145,334          70,995
Total primary government net expense
                                                 $ (55,221,660) $ (53,784,232) $ (54,138,107) $ (57,277,900) $ (59,035,613)

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