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                                                SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                  MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS
                                   FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015


                                                            Net Position

                                  Governmental Activities      Business-Type Activities        Total

                                                Restated                  Restated                     Restated

                                  2015          2014           2015       2014           2015          2014

Assets                            $ 75,263,536 $ 73,035,348 $ 1,127,252 $ 988,261 $ 76,390,788 $ 74,023,609
Current assets                      57,382,419 56,297,750 - - 57,382,419 56,297,750
Capital assets, net

Total assets                      132,645,955 129,333,098 1,127,252       988,261 133,773,207 130,321,359

Deferred outflows of resources    1,534,659     1,615,787             -          -       1,534,659     1,615,787
Unamortized deferred charges      5,792,976     4,734,043      74,566     66,345         5,867,542     4,800,388
Total deferred                    7,327,635     6,349,830      74,566     66,345         7,402,201     6,416,175

 outflows of resources

Liabilities                        7,584,058     8,003,804     128,497    118,607         7,712,555     8,122,411
Current liabilities
Long-term liabilies:               2,087,308     1,915,791        5,108    17,459         2,092,416     1,933,250
                                  79,909,354    95,004,806     892,573    994,525        80,801,927    95,999,331
 Due within one year              23,116,688    24,433,043                               23,125,902    24,444,456
 Net pension liability                                            9,214    11,413
 Other amounts

Total liabilities                 112,697,408 129,357,444 1,035,392 1,142,004 113,732,800 130,499,448

Deferred inflows of resources     33,943,078    35,986,269             -                 - 33,943,078 35,986,269
Property taxes and PILOTs         14,447,242                -  148,694
Pension                                                                                  - 14,595,936                       -
Total deferred                    48,390,320 35,986,269                                  - 48,539,014 35,986,269

 inflows of resources

Net Position                       38,781,982    36,460,488           -           -       38,781,982    36,460,488
Net investment in capital assets    2,510,271     3,842,694           -           -        2,510,271     3,842,694
Restricted                        (62,406,391)                 17,732     (87,398)
Unrestricted                                    (69,963,967)                             (62,388,659)  (70,051,365)

Total net position                $(21,114,138) $(29,660,785) $ 17,732 $ (87,398) $(21,096,406) $(29,748,183)

During 2015, the District adopted GASB Statement 68, “Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions—an
Amendment of GASB Statement 27,” which significantly revises accounting for pension costs and liabilities. For
reasons discussed below, many end users of this financial statement will gain a clearer understanding of the District’s
actual financial condition by adding deferred inflows related to pension and the net pension liability to the reported net
position and subtracting deferred outflows related to pension.

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