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                                                    SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                              MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS
                                               FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015


                                              Change in Net Position (Continued)

                                              Governmental                  Business-Type

                                                    Activities                    Activities                  Total

                                              2015              2014        2015          2014          2015              2014

Expenses                                      27,692,555 28,005,316 - - 27,692,555 28,005,316
Program expenses:
                                              8,739,661         8,800,972         -             - 8,739,661 8,800,972
   Regular                                    288,761           290,652           -             - 288,761 290,652
   Vocational                                 1,290,104         1,283,858         -             - 1,290,104 1,283,858
                                              4,516,471         4,681,004         -             - 4,516,471 4,681,004
Support services:
   Pupil                                      1,995,041         1,772,770         -             - 1,995,041 1,772,770
   Instructional staff
   Board of education                         70,122            41,731            -             - 70,122 41,731
   Fiscal                                     3,789,299         4,059,710         -             - 3,789,299 4,059,710
   Operations and maintenance                 1,198,288         1,627,077         -             - 1,198,288 1,627,077
   Pupil transportation
   Central                                    593,218           320,399           -             - 593,218 320,399

Operation of non-instructional services:      5,363,794         5,076,162         -             - 5,363,794 5,076,162
  Food service operations
  Other non-instructional services            3,898,262         3,281,271         -             - 3,898,262 3,281,271

Extracurricular activities                    565,003           642,675           -             - 565,003 642,675
Interest on long-term debt
Community education                            1,374,636      1,423,600                -             -   1,374,636         1,423,600
                                                   18,097         19,033               -             -       18,097            19,033
Total expenses                                                                         -             -
                                               1,707,800      1,672,664                -             -   1,707,800         1,672,664
Changes in net position                          842,430        885,321     1,315,393     1,345,070        842,430           885,321
                                                          -              -
Net position at beginning of year (restated)                                1,315,393     1,345,070      1,315,393         1,345,070
                                              63,943,542     63,884,215
Net position at end of year                                                                             65,258,935        65,229,285

                                                8,546,647    12,087,199     105,130       106,406         8,651,777       12,193,605
                                              (29,660,785)     N/A          (87,398)      N/A           (29,748,183)        N/A

                                              $ (21,114,138) $ (29,660,785) $ 17,732 $ (87,398) $ (21,096,406) $ (29,748,183)

The information necessary to restate the 2014 beginning balances and the 2014 pension expense amounts for the effects
of the initial implementation of GASB 68 is not available. Therefore, 2014 functional expenses still include pension
expense of $4,734,043 computed under GASB 27 for governmental activities. GASB 27 required recognizing pension
expense equal to the contractually required contributions to the plan. Under GASB 68, pension expense represents
additional amounts earned, adjusted by deferred inflows/outflows. The contractually required contribution is no longer a
component of pension expense. Under GASB 68, the 2015 statements report pension expense of $3,389,235 for
governmental activities and $49,133 for business-type activities.

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