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                           SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

              FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015


             Governmental Activities - Revenues and Expenses

$80,000,000                            $72,490,189                                    $75,971,414  Expenses
$75,000,000  $63,943,542                                    $63,884,215                            Revenues
$65,000,000                   2015                                           2014

The statement of activities shows the cost of program services and the charges for services and grants offsetting those
services. The following table shows, for governmental activities, the total cost of services and the net cost of services for
2015 and 2014. That is, it identifies the cost of these services supported by taxes revenue and unrestricted grants and

                                         Total Cost of      Net Cost of        Total Cost of       Net Cost of
                                           Services          Services            Services           Services
                                             2015              2015                2014               2014

Program expenses:                        $ 27,692,555       $ 24,669,745       $ 28,005,316        $ 25,241,781
 Instruction:                                   8,739,661         6,747,742           8,800,972          6,252,835
   Regular                                        288,761           252,980             290,652            243,054
   Special                                      1,290,104         1,272,607           1,283,858          1,263,719
   Other                                 4,516,471          3,659,763          4,681,004           3,642,527
                                         1,995,041          1,871,338          1,772,770           1,630,188
Support services:
   Pupil                                    70,122             70,122             41,731              41,731
   Instructional staff                   3,789,299          3,620,332          4,059,710           3,885,928
   Board of education                    1,198,288          1,198,288          1,627,077           1,627,077
   Fiscal                                  593,218            593,218            320,399             320,399
   Business                              5,363,794          5,313,373          5,076,162           5,072,202
   Operations and maintenance            3,898,262          3,898,262          3,281,271           3,281,271
   Pupil transportation
   Central                                 565,003            565,003            642,675             642,675

Operation of non-instructional services         1,374,636            (52,806)         1,423,600              33,021
  Food service operations                           18,097             7,571             19,033               8,008
  Other non-instructional services
                                                1,707,800           746,178           1,672,664           (230,453)
Extracurricular activities                        842,430           842,430             885,321            885,321
Interest on long-term debt
                                         $ 63,943,542       $ 55,276,146       $ 63,884,215        $ 53,841,284
Total expenses

The dependence upon tax revenues during fiscal year 2015 for governmental activities is apparent, as 86.67% of 2015
instruction activities are supported through taxes and other general revenues. For all governmental activities, general
revenue support was 86.45% in 2015. The District’s taxpayers and unrestricted grants and entitlements are by far the
primary support for the District’s students.

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