Page 89 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 89

The  student  must  have  completed  level  3  and
        LATIN 2
                                                                  maintained at least a “B-“ average
        (Full year, 1 credit)
        The  student  must  have  completed  level  1  and        This  course  includes  the  study  of  prescribed
        maintained at least a “C” average.                        readings  (both  Latin  and  English)  from  Julius
                                                                  Caesar’s  Gallic  Wars  and  Vergil’s  Aeneid  in
        After  a  thorough  review  of  basic  Latin  forms  and
                                                                  preparation for the Advanced Placement Exam (AP
        grammar,  Latin  2  continues  to  develop  language
                                                                  Latin).  Students  will  examine  themes  of  literary
        skills focused on the ability to read, understand and     genre  and  style,  war  and  empire,  Roman  values,
        interpret  Latin  text  in  increasingly  difficult
                                                                  and  leadership,  among  other  topics,  as  revealed
        passages. Students will be able to utilize linguistic,    through  these  classic  literary  texts.  Emphasis  is
        historical,  and  cultural  knowledge  of  Latin  to
                                                                  placed  on  developing  translation  skills,  sight-
        identify relationships between ancient and modern
                                                                  reading,  and  writing  analytical  essays.  Students
        events,  materials,  and  practices.  Through  Latin      enrolled are required to take the AP exam in May.
        texts  and  outside  readings,  study  and  projects,
                                                                  AP Latin is also an option after Latin 3.
        students will gain an understanding of the lasting

        impact of classical civilization on the modern world.     AP Exam: $95.00
        Students  will  also  continue  to  recognize  and  use

        elements  of  the  Latin  language  to  increase  their
        knowledge  and  usage  of  the  English  language.        MANDARIN CHINESE 1
        Cross-curricula  connections  continue  to  be
                                                                  (Full year, 1 credit)
                                                                  By  the  end  of  the  year,  a  Mandarin  Chinese  1
                                                                  student would be expected to communicate at the
        LATIN 3
                                                                  novice-low/novice-mid  level  according  to  the
        (Full year, 1 credit)                                     national ACTFL (American Council of the Teaching
        The  student  must  have  completed  level  2  and        of  Foreign  Language)  standards.    Novice-mid  can
        maintained at least a “C” average.                        identify  with  phrases,  combine  words,  express
                                                                  ideas  with  simple  phrases  and  expressions.  They
        After  a  thorough  review,  students  in  Latin  3       will  be  using  interpretive,  interpersonal  and
        continue  to  develop  their  abilities  to  read,
                                                                  presentational  skills  in  the  classroom  for  both
        understand  and  interpret  Latin  text.  Through
                                                                  practice  and  assessment.    They  are  expected  to
        increasingly  difficult  readings,  students  will  not   compare  and  contrast  cultures  embedded  in  the
        only  work  on  language  skills,  but  also  be  able  to
                                                                  language  program.    Activities  are  based  on
        study    and     analyze    important    historical,      authentic situations and have real meaning to the
        philosophical and religious ideas and values of the
        Roman  people.  Students  will  be  able  to

        demonstrate  an  advanced  understanding  of  the
        connections  between  the  ancient  Roman  world          MANDARIN CHINESE 2
        and our own society today. Emphasis is placed on
                                                                  (Full year, 1 credit)
        gaining  an  appreciation  for  the  Latin  language  as   Prerequisite:    The  student  must  have  completed
        literature and our own indebtedness to the ancient
                                                                  level 1 and maintained at least a “C” average.
        world  for  our  literature,  language,  government,
        arts, etc.                                                By  the  end  of  the  year,  a  Mandarin  Chinese  2
                                                                  student would be expected to communicate at the
                                                                  novice-mid  level  according  to  the  national  ACTFL
        AP LATIN
                                                                  (American  Council  of  the  Teaching  of  Foreign
        (Full year, 1 credit)                                     Language) standards.  Novice-mid can identify with

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