Page 91 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 91

By the end of the year, a Spanish 2 student would         Language)  standards.    Intermediate-mid  can
        be  expected  to  communicate  at  the  novice-high       describe with strings of sentences,   combine   time
        level  according  to  the  national  ACTFL  (American     frames,   and   create    with Language.  They will be
        Council  of  the  Teaching  of  Foreign  Language)        using     interpretive,     interpersonal      and
        standards.  Novice-high can describe with phrases         presentational  skills  in  the  classroom  for  both
        and  can  identify  with  short  sentences  in  present   practice  and  assessment.    They  are  expected  to
        time  frame.  They  will  be  using  interpretive,        compare  and  contrast  cultures  embedded  in  the
        interpersonal  and  presentational  skills  in  the       language  program.    Activities  are  based  on
        classroom for both practice and assessment.  They         authentic situations and have real meaning to the
        are  expected  to  compare  and  contrast  cultures       students.  This  is  a  precursor  to  the  Advanced
        embedded in the language program.  Activities are         Placement  class.    The  students  will  be  challenged
        based  on  authentic  situations  and  have  real         to perform at a level commensurate to the Honor’s
        meaning to the students.                                  level program.

        SPANISH 3                                                 AP SPANISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE

        (Full year, 1 credit)                                     (Full year, 1 credit)
        Prerequisite:    The  student  must  have  completed      Prerequisite:    The  student  must  have  completed
        level 2 and maintained at least a “C” average.            level  4  Honors  and  maintained  at  least  a  “B-”
        By the end of the year, a Spanish 3 student would
        be expected to communicate at the intermediate-           This  course  aims  specifically  at  preparing  the
        low  level  according  to  the  national  ACTFL           student  for  the  national  Advanced  Placement
        standards.    Intermediate-low  can  describe  with       Spanish  Language  and  Culture  Examination
        sentences,  use  strings  of  sentences,  express  their   focusing  on  six  themes:    Beauty  and  Aesthetics,
        own thoughts in a single time frame. They will be         Families  and  Communities,  Global  Challenges,
        using      interpretive,    interpersonal      and        Science  and  Technology,  Contemporary  Life,  and
        presentational  skills  in  the  classroom  for  both     Personal  and  Public  Identities.  It  is  intended  for
        practice  and  assessment.    They  are  expected  to     serious,   advanced    students    reaching    the
        compare  and  contrast  cultures  embedded  in  the       intermediate-high level and possibly advanced-low
        language  program.    Activities  are  based  on          level  of  proficiency  according  the  national  ACTFL
        authentic situations and have real meaning to the         (American  Council  of  the  Teaching  of  Foreign
        students.                                                 Language) standards.

                                                                  AP Exam: $95.00

        (Full year, 1 credit)

        Prerequisite:    The  student  must  have  completed
        level 3 and maintained at least a “C” average.

        By the end of the year, a Spanish 4 student would
        be expected to communicate at the intermediate-
        mid  level  according  to  the  national  ACTFL
        (American  Council  of  the  Teaching  of  Foreign

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