Page 71 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2021-22
P. 71
Grade Level: 9-12 (1 Semester .25 Credit)
Prerequisite: Foundations of Physical Education Grade Level: 9-12 (1 Semester .25 Credit)
Prerequisite: Foundations of Physical Education
This course is designed to introduce students to
proper techniques in weight lifting and safety in the Description: This course is an alternative to a
weight room; and to help students improve their
traditional weight lifting course. It is designed to
overall level of physical fitness with emphasis on
help students improve their overall level of physical
muscular strength and endurance. Students will fitness with emphasis on muscular strength and
establish personal lifting goals and will develop an
endurance. The most current exercise trends in
individual weight training program to accomplish
yoga, Pilates, Zumba, Insanity, P90X, etc will be
their goals. Information on proper nutrition and
utilized, as well as traditional techniques in weight
maintaining a healthy body composition will also be lifting and safety in the weight room. Students will
included in this course. establish personal fitness goals and will develop an
Fee: $5.00 individual fitness training program to accomplish their
goals. Information on proper nutrition and
maintaining a healthy body composition will also be
included in this course.
Fee: $5.00
(1 semester, .5 credit)
The Health Education Program is designed to aid
students’ lifestyle choices and lifestyle health
management. Understanding that health is a
dynamic process, the course focuses on what issues
are real and most relevant to the students. The
major topics include: emotional health, stress
management, suicide, nutrition and fitness,
STRENGTH, SPEED, AGILITY & substance abuse, human sexuality, first aid, and
C.P.R/AED. Also, a variety of special topics are
discussed that include: depression, skin, breast and
Grade Level: 9-12 (1 Semester .25 Credit) testicular cancer, organ donation, dating violence,
Prerequisite: Foundations of Physical Education,
prescription drug abuse and eating disorders. The
Coach’s Recommendation course is designed to help the students develop the
This course expands upon the student’s knowledge ability needed to make good healthy decisions.
of the muscular system. Students will prepare a Homework may include a variety of weekly
sport-specific workout that will target their sport at assignments including health-related article
a high level. Hudson High School varsity coaches will critiques and health-related projects. Class will
provide input into their sport’s strength training include small group work, guest speakers,
regimen. This course will also include information discussions, lecture, and hands-on experiences.
that relates to injury prevention and rehabilitation. Lab Fee: $7.00 for CPR
Fee: $5.00