Page 72 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2021-22
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Three years of science are required for graduation from Hudson, two of which must include one life science
(Biology Applications or Biology) credit and one physical science (Physical Science, Chemistry, Physics, or Honors
Physics) credit. Many
9 Grade: 10 Grade: 11 Grade: 12 Grade:
college bound students
acquire four science Physical Science Biology Chemistry Chemistry
credits and a few graduate Biology Honors Biology Honors Chemistry Honors Chemistry
Honors Biology Chemistry AP Biology AP Biology
with five or more science
credits (enrolling in two H2BE: Honors Honors AP Chemistry AP Chemistry
science courses in one Biology & Chemistry Ecology Ecology
English + Physics AP Environmental AP Environmental
year is permitted). It is
strongly recommended AP Biology** Science Science
that all college bound AP Physics 1 Physics Physics
AP Physics 1 AP Physics 1
students take Biology,
Chemistry and Physics AP Physics 2 * AP Physics 2*
before graduation as many Anatomy/Physiology AP Physics C
Physical Geology Anatomy/Physiology
colleges require one life
science and two physical Electives: Physical Geology
science credits for Survey of Organic Electives:
admission. Most freshmen Organic – Reactions Survey of Organic
should strongly consider /Mechanisms Organic – Reactions
taking science in their first Forensic Science /Mechanisms
year. All students are Marine Biology Forensic Science
encouraged to balance Marine Biology
their selections between * Upon Successful completion of AP Physics 1 or Physics
life and physical sciences. ** Must be taken concurrently with chemistry / honors chemistry
+ Teacher Recommendation
There are three starting ++ See Science Course Web for specific paths to fulfill State Graduation requirements
points in Science . . .
students may work through the map (following page) beginning in either Physical Science or Biology. Students
are not required to commit to this track; they may jump to the honors path. The honors path is shown on the
right side of the diagram . . .
students may work through this
map beginning in Honors Biology.
Students are not required to
commit to this path; they may
jump to the non-honors/AP path as