Page 7 - Leon Knight Jr Program - Digital
P. 7
Growing up in a small family I only had 3 cousin's and 2 of them were raised in
another state by their father's side of the family. Leon and I were our mothers
only children and the only kids in the family. Separated by only 4 years. I
always wanted to tag along when Leon would go play
football and basketball. He hated it but I loved it. Soon as
we would get outside; he would often punch me saying
“why you always gotta follow me". One particular day
we're at the basketball court and Leon gets into a fight.
I immediately jumped in. From that day forward Leon
wanted me to tag along. I guess he realized 2 is better than 1..... until we meet
again… Love you, Cousin Deonte
I remember holding you as a baby and watching you grow throughout the
years. I remember you coming to my football games and how that inspired
you to play the game. You would ask me all these questions about football
and sports in general. I would say to myself, would he stop asking me all
these questions lol :) As time went on, I remember
going to watch you play football and I would tell
my friends, that's my nephew! Proudly! I want to
remember the good times we shared, and now our
Heavenly Father has called you to be with him!
Now you can run free! With no pain or worries! I
will miss you Nephew and I love you! ~ Uncle Jr
My oldest nephew Leon whom I love and will sorely miss. You were loving
with me always and never disrespectful. Even as a child we went places and
had Big fun. We went to a concert once where you spotted Eazy-E (you had
to enlighten us on who he was.) When asked if you have fun you responded
'yeah with all you women'
You are now resting in peace, no more suffering. God
has you now. You will always be in my heart.
Love Aunt Jan
My Dear, Mr. Lee you are truly gonna be missed. I cherish
every moment of you being so patience with me. You helped
me get my first job at Starcrest. We rolled played and did
mock interviews, you would come out dress like a Old Soul.
We would have singing competitions and dance offs and you
would always dance like a Old Soul or like a Old Man as you
would say Mr. Lee. Even though Wu- Tang- Clan is your fa-
vorite group; Sitting on the Dock of the Bay by Otis Redding
was your ring tone. Mr. Old Soul—Mr. Lee I Love You!
Auntie Anne