Page 13 - Sabrina Markos Program
P. 13

“Nannan” is a Creole term for “Godmother.” When my God-Auntie Michelle offered me the honor and
                privilege to say a few words about her sister – my Godmother – the realization of, not only the immense
                loss we have all been given to live with and learn from, but also the blessing of having been able to know
                someone so special, so well, gave me great pause. I prayed that whatever I managed to put together to

                say would do my Nannan and her memory justice; that I would say the best or at least the right
                things in just the right ways. It’s more than difficult to prepare something with a time limit and the
                boundaries  of  such  somber  ceremony  that  I’m  sure  all  of  us  could  spend  months,  if  not,  years  or
                decades reminiscing. Instead of choosing which of the many moments and memories would be best to
                share  here  today,  I  would  like  to  remember  my  Godmother  by  sharing  the  essence  and  entirety  of
                experiencing the type of person she was and how she touched the lives of so many with such little effort,

                both intentionally and, many times, unknowingly, simply by walking her path through this life, led by
                her Faith in God. I believe my Godmother, Sabrina, to have been an angel, defender and protector of
                not only myself, but of all those who had the opportunity to share any amount of time with her.
                From the moment I was born, she dubbed me “Nu-Man.” She would fly me around with a cape like a
                tiny superhero and, ever since, she never failed to be the person who – when I fell or life knocked me

                down - would lift me up, dust off my cape and help me remember that it was still possible to fly. She
                was my chosen mother, my mother’s chosen sister and, as she used to jokingly say, my father’s “second
                wife.” Her laugh could illuminate the deepest darkness. Her sense of humor and wit were unrivaled.
                Her ability to genuinely listen was unmatched. Her love and support seemed boundless and infinite.
                What I remember most is her unshakeable Faith and Trust in God. Through the many troubles and
                trials she had been dealt, never once did she lose her hold on Hope; that Hope and the Faith that,
                through times so trying most of us would have been lost, God somehow knew what He was doing. She

                was a rock; a rock and guardian to many more than just myself  – a well of Light with a sense of
                wisdom paired with a child-like wonder that only seemed to grow stronger as we all got older and life
                threw bigger and then even bigger obstacles   before us.
                There aren’t words to express how special my Nannan was and will always be to me; to express the love

                and gratitude that I hold in my heart for and because of her. I know my Godmother meant something
                special and was someone rare and refreshing to everyone here today and I hope we all realize and never
                fail to remember the blessing we have been given in being able to know her in the many ways we have –
                however long or however short; to have the memories – good and bad – that will continue on with us
                from our gathering here today. Knowing my Nannan, I would ask you all to celebrate Sabrina’s life
                and the Joy she brought to us. Though this loss has been sudden, jarring
                and      painful,  I  know  she  is  here  now,  once  an  earthbound  angel,

                watching over us and guiding us all through this with the Light of the
                Holy Spirit that burned so brightly within her soul. I have never and will
                never know or love anyone the way I knew and love my Godmother and I
                thank God for allowing me that Gift.
                                                                I love you, Nannan.

                                                     Love, “Nu-Man”  - Joshua Shaw
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