Page 10 - National_Foundation_Maccabi_Giving_Day_Brochure_2022
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                              MACCABIAH                            CLUB SPORT                          MACCABI LIFE                        ALL ABILITIES


                        The pinnacle of our sporting         With a high level of reach into     Build   a   wellness    program      To   increase   access    and
                        programs. Over 10,000 athletes       the community  we have an           /framework that encourages           participation opportunities for
                        from around the world attend         obligation to continually present   healthy    practices    in   the     Jewish people of all abilities in
                        the 3rd largest sporting event       options for our community to        community. Achieved through 3        sport and active recreation. To
                        every 4 years. We send a             participate in competitive and      pillars – Physical activity, Mental   ensure that every Jewish
                        delegation    of  around    500      social sport. This needs to go      Wellbeing and Healthy eating.        person regardless of age,
                        people to participate.               beyond the 54 sporting sports       Delivered through education,         ability or skill should be able to
                                                             we operate today, we will need      access    to    programs    and      participate   in   meaningful
                                                             to be visionary and look to         incentivised through reward.         programs     that  encourage
                                                             building assets that secure a                                            social connection, wellbeing
                                                             healthy future.                                                          and fun.


                        Provide Australia’s best Jewish      Grow our sporting presence and       An informed, happy, healthy and     Expand offerings nationally and
                        athletes  an  opportunity  to        capability –  improve  coaching      active community.                   increase participation for every
                        participate internationally and      and facilities.                                                          person regardless of skill or
                        build  strong connections  with      Expand the Pathways program                                              capability.
                        Israel.                              nationally.

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