Page 11 - National_Foundation_Maccabi_Giving_Day_Brochure_2022
P. 11


                                                                                                    LE A R N  ENGAGE  A L I G N  D EVEL O P


                    PROTECTION                        WOMEN IN SPORT                           LEADERSHIP


                Provides   a    best   practice      Female participation in sport is    The future of Maccabi and                                             UNIQUE  PROGRAMS  THAT  SUPPORT  THE  COMMUNITY
                framework for all coaches,           considerably less than male         indeed all Jewish organisations
                managers, athletes, volunteers,      participation. This is mostly       relies on our ability to attract,
                parents and supporters, that         driven by lack of facility or       develop and mentor the next
                ensures an environment that is       appropriate   programs.    Our      generation of leaders. Our
                healthy,  safe and free from         objective  is  to  encourage        objective is to develop and
                discrimination. Our objective is     females    to   engage     with     deliver a program that offers
                to enhance our training tools,       Maccabi at all levels. Through      and supports  a pathway of
                provide ongoing instruction to       structured sport in our clubs       development for outstanding,
                our ever-changing group of           and    unstructured     activity    young prospective leaders,
                volunteers and support future        provided by Maccabi Life.           around the country.
                development of the content.


                Rollout and implementation of        Build our female participation to   Offer our future leadership
                improved training tools aimed        at least 40% of our membership      program  and youth leadership
                at  providing a safe, respectful     and to develop WinS programs        programs to 50 candidates
                environment for all.                 nationally.                         across the country

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