Page 12 - Maccabi Your Impact June 2022
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Maccabi Australia Report - June 2022 - from the President’s Desk
position for the organisation and helped keep the It is my hope that Maccabi Australia always looks to
community connected the future to ensure that our reach is pervasive and
that the Brand continues to resonate.
However, we must now redefine and redesign
ourselves, not only to improve our resilience to With Maccabi Greetings
future shocks, but to broaden our contribution to the
Maccabi efforts in each State, Nationally and
internationally. Sport has often helped to create
spaces for dialogue, advance gender equality,
promote social inclusion and tackle discrimination.
Maccabi has played this role at all levels in our Jeff Sher
community, and we need to continue this important President
work. Maccabi Australia
Our Board is committed to remaining nimble whilst
continuing to pursue our goal of connecting the
community through sport and wellbeing – the
outcome of which will be a healthier, happier and
more engaged community – we will play a role in
encouraging our members to bounce back from a
difficult 20 months.