Page 9 - Maccabi Your Impact June 2022
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Maccabi Australia Report - June 2022 - from the President’s Desk

                      We are also fortunate to have 3 new people join the                                                                      specialities are employment, industrial, discrimination

                      board. Sam Gamsu joins as the Chair of International                                                                     and safety law. Her sports law work has included

                      Sport – he has been involved in the organisation for                                                                     developing Member Protection Policies and advising

                      over 20 years in numerous roles in the club structure                                                                    amateur and professional clubs about player, parent

                      and for his efforts is a life member of both Maccabi                                                                     and coach misconduct; and advising clubs about

                      Junior cricket Club and the North Caulfield Junior                                                                       employment matters. From 2014 to 2022, Jacquie

                      Football Club. In addition, he has been involved in                                                                      was Maccabi NSW’s Honorary Solicitor. We welcome

                      many international games as a Senior manager and                                                                         Jacquie knowing that she will add enormous value to

                      will head up the Maccabiah team in 2022. Giselle                                                                         the Board

                      Berlinski has been at the centre of many senior

                      management roles in the Maccabi organisation                                                                             Lastly, we welcome Harry Procel to his appointment

                      including Junior carnival, Maccabiah Games in 2017                                                                       as the Chair of the Board of Governors, he replaces

                      and Pan AM Games in 2019. Her dedication to the                                                                          Tom Goldman in this role and will focus on the 100                                                  th

                      organisation is unparalleled and we know if we need                                                                      Anniversary for Maccabi Australia and the growth

                      stuff done – Giselle is the person who can achieve it                                                                    and development of our National Awards.

                      effectively and with a smile on her face. Giselle

                      becomes an observer to the Board.

                      More recently we also appointed Jacquie Seemann as

                      the Chair of our Member Protection portfolio. She

                      has been a long-term Maccabi participant and was

                      involved in Carnivals as a swimmer and hockey

                      player. Her children as also proud Maccabi members.

                      In her professional life, Jacquie is a partner at the

                      National law firm Thomson Geer Lawyers. Her
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