Page 5 - Maccabi Your Impact June 2022
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Maccabi Australia Report - June 2022 - from the President’s Desk

                      2022 OBJECTIVES & ACHIEVEMENTS                                                                                           Maccabi States and MAI has launched and will                                                                            interest in Maccabiah but successfully building a

                      Our goals and objectives for the year gone by are                                                                        become an important platform for all members. This                                                                      large contingent. It ought to be noted that the

                      noted below. In the main they have been centred on                                                                       will allow for a better brand focus and ensure there is                                                                 project size is not only measured by the team size

                      being a more efficient and effective organisation that                                                                   consistency in our messaging and reach. Our                                                                             but also the contribution of the community who have

                      is able to respond to the challenges that a COVID                                                                        marketing presence has been the beneficiary of the                                                                      contributed to the $10 million project that is the 21                                                st

                      environment imposes.                                                                                                     Covid period, our webinar series, online and social                                                                     Maccabiah. At the time of writing this report – a
                                                                                                                                               media campaigns have been instrumental in driving                                                                       team of over 550 people will be leaving Australia on

                      Organisation Sustainability                                                                                              the Brand to new heights – a reach of 2 million views                                                                   the 7 July and we wish them well.

                      To ensure our financial future, we have taken a bold                                                                     and facebook growth from 1400 to 4600 in 2 years                                                                        Health & Wellness
                                                                                                                                               s and Instagram from 1,100 to 2,895.
                      step to create a National Foundation that will take

                      the lead on consolidating all our revenue raising and                                                                                                                                                                                            Maccabi LIFE is now a key strategic priority for the

                      fundraising activities. This Board will be chaired by                                                                    Sports development                                                                                                      organisation and as such we have recruited a

                      Dale Smorgon and will continue the great work that                                                                       Our focus has been on Junior carnival and                                                                               Program manager to deliver on the many objectives

                      was previously managed by the Maccabi Victorian                                                                          Maccabiah. The 40                     th   carnival held in January 2022                                                events and goals we have in place. Our annual events

                      Foundation. A clear focus, mandate and objectives                                                                        will be remembered as the first one in which we only                                                                    in collaboration with Dementia Australia and MS

                      have been set and a dynamic committee of people                                                                          hosted the event in Perth and had to cancel the other                                                                   continued albeit in a hybrid model. There is a new

                      have been recruited to help with the national                                                                            events due to the growth on the Omicron variant.                                                                        strategic plan and indeed operational goals which

                      objectives. This strategic shift will build a more                                                                       Plans are already underway for the 41                                              st   carnival                        have been developed and rolled out in 2022. To date

                      aligned and effective organisation.                                                                                      which will be held in Melbourne in January 2023.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       there          have          been          some           notable            achievements

                      Brand Development                                                                                                        As to Maccabiah, this was postponed from 2021 to                                                                        including but not limited to the development of 8000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Maccabi life membership, the delivery of multiple on
                      Our goal of consolidating our database in a national                                                                     2022 and under the leadership of Barry Smorgon and                                                                      trend webinars with an audience reach of over 5000
                                                                                                                                               newly formed Operations Team of Sam Gamsu and
                      portal has been completed and with this our                                                                              Giselle Berlinski work has continued unabated

                      communication to our members and the community                                                                           leading to over 700 people registering for the 2022                                                                     people and early-stage development of a new mobile

                      is being streamlined. A new National marketing                                                                           games. A team of dedicated volunteers have put in                                                                       APP.

                      committee has been formed to ensure better                                                                               many hours and energy into not only maintaining the

                      alignment. Also a new website has been built for all
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