Page 2 - Maccabi Your Impact June 2022
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Maccabi Australia Report - June 2022 - from the President’s Desk

                      A message from the President

                      It seems that we falsely believed that the                                                            The           strategic              imperatives                 for          the

                      COVID impact on society would be resolved                                                             organisation have remained unchanged.

                      during           2020           unfortunately                  lockdowns,                             However, as we look forward we need to

                      social          distancing               and         restrictions               on                    explore the impact that COVID has and will

                      community                 mobility            has        continued               to                   have on society and then reflect on the

                      impact our ability to provide our normal                                                              opportunity Maccabi has through sport and

                      sport activities.                                                                                     wellbeing to play a part in the recovery.

                      Whilst we have continued to look for ways

                      to keep our community connected it has

                      been much more challenging as people are

                      COVID and indeed zoom fatigued. Our

                      Maccabi updates website has been a great

                      source of information and support. In

                      addition, our Maccabi Life programs albeit

                      impacted                by         the          restrictions               have

                      continued as we recognised the need to

                      focus on mental health as well as physical

                      literacy. The website has reached over

                      70,000 people and through the social

                      media app’s (Instagram and Facebook) we

                      had over 1 million contact points.
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