P. 3

October 2021

                                 MESSAGE TO MACCABI VICTORIA

                  What a challenging year 2021 has proven to be once again, especially for those of us residing in the
                  great state of Victoria.
                  The repeat of yet another year ba�ling COVID-19 and the ensuing yo-yo lockdowns, and subsequent
                  rules and regula�ons have changed the whole landscape of communal spor�ng events.

                  Maccabi Victoria has played an integral role in connec�ng our community through sport par�cularly
                  during these challenging �mes. I commend how all the players, coaches, staff, families, and volunteers
                  have come together to make this happen.

                  As the State Member for Caulfield, I look forward to con�nuing to work closely with Brian Swersky,
                  President  of  Maccabi  Victoria,  and  the  Board,  on  issues  that  are  important  to  Maccabi  and  the
                  community, such as, more open space in the electorate for community sport and spor�ng facili�es for
                  men, women and youth sports.
                  As a proud supporter of Maccabi Victoria, I look forward to once again gathering with you to support
                  Maccabi teams across Victoria in 2022.
                  Wishing all of you Mazal Tov on a successful 2021 and a wonderful 2022 to follow.
                  I remain available to assist all those in the broader Maccabi community so please don’t hesitate to be
                  in contact with me on 9527 3866 or at

                  Warm regards

                  David Southwick MP
                  Member for Caulfield
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