Page 10 - Real Life Annual Report 2021
P. 10

Real Life Scholarship

          In May of 2021, Youthlinc again offered a need-           $5,000 WINNER
          based college scholarship to Real Life High School
          Seniors or College students of refugee or immigrant                                       Nida Taha is from Sudan.
                                                                                                    Her family traveled from
          background.  The following scholarships were                                              Sudan to Egypt before
          awarded:                                                                                  eventually coming to
          •  (1) $5,000 scholarship                                                                 America. She is entering
                                                                                                    her Sophomore year
          •  (1) $3,000 scholarship                                                                 at Columbia College
          •  (3) $2,000 scholarships                                                                studying Business:
          •  (5) $1,000 scholarships                                                                Innovations and
                                                                                                    Entrepreneurship. She
          We would like to recognize the Low Family                                                 was originally inspired to
          Foundation, Barker Charitable Foundation, Jim                                             pursue entrepreneurship
          and Sherry Rudin, and Merrick Bank for their                                              by her parents who
                                                                                                    both started their own
          contributions to make this award possible.                                                businesses to help support
                                                                                                    her family. Nida believes
       $3,000 WINNER              Leila Abdul is from the Congo. She is                             that success is achievable
                                  a refugee from Rhino camp Arua. She                               through motivation and
                                                                                                    discipline. When she
                                  has been in the United States for about                           is notstudying, Nida
                                  two years. Leila and her sisters arrived                          volunteers at the Sudanese
                                  in Utah with their aunt's family in 2019.                         Resource Center helping
                                  She is a Senior at Utah International                             kids with homework and
                                  Charter School. Next year, Leila plans                            coordinating activities.
                                  to attend Salt Lake Community College                             She hopes to continue her
                                  and begin to complete the prerequisites                           education and also give
                                  to become a doctor. She hopes that as                             back to her community.
                                  a doctor, she will be able to help others
                                  in her community to live a healthy and   NIDA TAHA
         LEILA ABDUL              happy life.

                                                       $2,000 WINNERS

                        Niraj Sanyasi was raised               Didier Byiringiro is from            Michael Okello is from
                        in a Nepali refugee                    Rwanda. Next year, he                Kenya. He is a refugee from
                        camp. He is currently                  plans to attend Salt Lake            a Kenyan camp in Kakuma
                        studying at the University             Community College                    an Michael is currently
                        of Utah, majoring in                   and study Mechanical                 Senior at Mountain
                        Operation Supply Chain                 Engineering. He                      Ridge HighSchool.
                        Management. Niraj hopes                hopes that through his               Over the past few years,
                        to someday create his                  education, he will be able           Michael has developed a
                        own nonprofit and help to              to earn money to help                passion for building and
                        improve the quality of life            those around him.                    understanding engineering.
        NIRAJ SANYASI   for others.           DIDIER BYIRINGIRO                     MICHAEL OKELLO
                                                        $1,000 WINNERS

       HAY SOE                NEH MEH                ETO MISSI              YOUSUF HAIDARI         LIONEL NTIRANDEKURA
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