Page 15 - q3 2020
P. 15

Homestead’s Beautiful Benefits Part 1 Initial Qualification for Homestead
  Creative Corornerer
Never Give up!
Never give up on anything in life! Always stand up!
Don’t give up the fifight!
Whether you’re a newbie,
or you’re trying to make the sale,
or you’ve just taken your test, and you’ve just failed.
Maybe you’re a seasoned Realtor, with lots of flflair, and spunk, Yet you can’t make that sale, You’re in a funk.
Things have changed in the world,
It’s clear to see.
Now we are dealing with covid, and we have to wear masks.
It’s a bit challenging,
It has kicked our a**!
Wake up every morning with love in your heart, It’s going to be a beautiful day right from the start,
Let’s make a difference!
Let’s change the world!
You’re not just a Realtor or a newbie to us, You’re someone that cares, and you’re someone we love!
So if you’ve failed your test or you can’t make that sale,
Never give up, because we’re standing right here.
You’ve got this ! This isn’t a joke! No matter what offifice you work at, We’re all the same,
You’re part of our team, We’ve got your back!
Let’s all stand up and kick some a** !
By: Tabatha D. Hale
Most counties also require a filer to sign an affida- vit attesting that neither the person applying, nor that
person’s spouse, is obtaining a homestead or primary residence tax benefit in Florida another state. This is because only one homestead exemption is allowed per “family unit”. Though the law does not explicitly define “family unit”, it is generally interpreted to mean an intact, together family. Accordingly, a married couple that is not permanently separated is entitled to only one homestead exemption. The definition of a married couple includes same-sex marriages. Courts have held that the burden of proof of permanent separation is on the person seeking the homestead tax benefit, rather than on the property appraiser. Whether two unmarried, cohabitating people can each have a separate homestead exemption is more of an open question. As a practical matter, it would likely be difficult for the property appraiser to allege that two unmarried people are a family unit, thus increasing the probability that they would each be able to claim a sepa- rate homestead.
A wide variety of properties qualify for the homestead exemption. A house, a mobile home located on owned property, a modular home, a condominium, and a coop may all be considered a homestead.
In this article, we have only just scratched the surface. In the coming months, we will detail some of the other beautiful benefits of owning a Florida homestead.
Ned Hale, Esq, is a Florida Board Certi- fied Real Estate Attorney with over 20 years of experience. He has offices in Estero, Fort Myers, and Sanibel.

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