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Why is social media so important for your Real Estate business?
4 out of 5 US homebuyers use an online resource at some point in their search. (Zillow) 90% of Millennials, 78%
of Gen-X, and 48% of Baby Boomers are active on social media (NAR) 65% of homebuyers say they are influenced by friend’s home buying posts on Facebook or Instagram (Inman) 73% of homebuyers say they’re more likely to list with an agent offering to do listing videos (NAR).
Facebook. The cure for the COVID blues?
Over 70% of Facebook users login a minimum of 6 - 10x per day, and those numbers have only climbed during the past several months. Don’t think of Facebook as something that’s only designed for arguing politics, looking at cute sloth videos, and connecting with old friends from high school. Business professionals are networking, sharing and collaborating more than ever before using a channel that already draws such a large audience every day. of- ten should YOU be posting on Facebook alone? Our guide recommends a minimum of 2 - 3 posts per week, and pro- vides ideas for the types of content you should be sharing.
YouTube. A billion users and counting!
It’s time to stop being intimidated of creating video! On- line audiences are more likely to engage with a video than most any other form of content, and YouTube is the “King Daddy” of them all. YouTube offers you the opportunity to present virtual listing tours, showcase client testimonials, demonstrate your expertise with educational Vlogs (video blogs), and more. Looking for ideas on the types of content you can create for YouTube? Download our guide!
Instagram. Perfect for real estate.
Instagram is all about keeping it short, sweet and very visual. On this platform, photos and videos rule..with text taking a backseat. Great content ideas for real estate are showcasing your day-to-day activities around communities you represent, virtual house tours, happy clients, and featur- ing local business, people and feel good stories.
Want more great social media tips, tricks and strategies? Of course you do! Which is why you should download your FREE Social Media Marketing 101 Guide at: TryElevate. com/SocialMediaMarketingGuide. You’ll receive 17-pages of awesome content to help you and your real estate busi- ness. All you need to do is stop binging on Netflix long enough to read it!
  4 out of 5 US Homebuyers
70% Log in 6-10 times
a day
1 Billion+ Active Users

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