Page 16 - q3 2020
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  Social Media Marketing
    By: Bondilyn Jolly
------------------------------------------- Download your FREE Social Media Marketing 101 Guide
at: -------------------------------------------
    t’s no secret, human beings crave connection and collab- oration, and these “COVID times” are creating a distinct void when it comes to personal interaction and a sense of community. More than ever, people are turning to social media to help fill that void. Digital social interaction allows friends, family and business colleagues to stay entertained, connected and informed. Netflix is reporting record streams. Facebook is reporting record engagement times and logins, and more and more business is being won in the “virtual” world than the “real” one at this moment. As a real estate professional, it’s critical for you to consistently interact with a large number of people, but if you are one
     of the many that struggles with how exactly to use social media for your might be feeling more over- whelmed than ever before. No worries.
No worries. We’re here to help!
The Marketing professionals at Elevate have created an all-inclusive guide to all things “social media”, including
a 4-month content marketing calendar to help you give your online marketing the kick-start it needs! Ever wonder what are the best days of the week and times of day to post on different social media channels? This guide tells you! Looking for ideas about the different types of content that your online audience wants to view? This guide tells you! Tips from pros in the industry? Yep. How many times a week you should post on a social channel? We cover that, too. And, at the end of your guide you’ll receive some special offers for additional marketing assistance, includ- ing a FREE review of your current social media with an Elevate Success Coach, where to register to receive FREE daily marketing tips direct to your inbox, and how brokers can request a FREE gap analysis to look at what’s missing in their marketing and technology offering.
Bondilyn Jolly
VP Marketing, Elevate | Managing Partner,
Bondilyn Jolly is a tech entrepreneur, investor and business leader. She currently serves as the VP of Marketing at Elevate ( and the Managing Partner of, a new full-service digital & creative ad agency servicing the real estate sector. .

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