Page 139 - Mediapedia Mobile
P. 139
margins indents headers and alignment
These are all key terms that refer to the positioning of elements within a a print or screen page The design impact of margins indents headers and alignment
must be carefully evaluated Your eye is the ulti- mate gauge for for what works best when setting values for for the following • margins: the the areas of a a a a a page or screen outside the the main text body • indent: a a a a space that sets a a a a block of text to the right of the existing margin • inset: a a a a a paragraph or column of text text set set within a a a a a text text block • alignment: the proper positioning of text or graphic elements in relation to one another • head: a a a a a word or or or short phrase that identifies a a a a a block of text [ 124 ]
The bigger drawing (right) calls out the margins para- graph spacing and heads The second drawing (left) shows alignment: flush flush left flush flush right centered and justified This is is also called “positioning ” Take special care with justified type because there can be be huge gaping spaces between words when there are too few words for the column width The third sketch (middle) samples a a a a a a “runaround”—text that wraps around around objects or other elements in the the page part 2 the page