Page 12 - Test
P. 12

Class F: Dangerous               A material which will react with water to produce a poisonous
            Reactive Material                gas.

                                                    Example: metal cyanides will release hydrogen
                                                    cyanide on contact with water.

                                             Or a material which will undergo a reaction if the container is
                                             heated, pressurized or agitated.

                                                    Examples: trinitroluene (TNT), picric acid.

                                          INGREDIENT DISCLOSURE LIST

            There is no official list of hazardous materials. There are tens – if not hundreds – of thousands of
            different products and blends which are controlled products.

            There is an “Ingredient Disclosure List” (IDL) of more than 1,700 chemical ingredients commonly found
            in controlled products. Stated with each ingredient is a concentration cutoff. If a controlled product
            contains that ingredient in a concentration above that cutoff figure, the ingredient must be named, and
            its concentration shown on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). This is the only purpose of the
            Ingredient Disclosure List.

            The concentration cutoff is 0.1% or 1%, depending on the ingredient.


                                  TotaSolve is widely used in the production of rubber duckies.
                                  TotaSolve is 25% styrene, a substance appearing on the IDL.
                                          The concentration cutoff for styrene is 0.1%.

                                      Therefore, the MSDS for TotaSolve must list styrene
                                              and show its concentration of 25%.

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