Page 32 - Test
P. 32

10.     Mutagenicity: The body reproduces according to the “blueprint” of the sets of
                           chromosomes in our genes. Mutagens alter those blueprints and can affect either the
                           “reproductive cells” causing a heritable genetic change (e.g. all descendants will now
                           have 6 fingers on the right hand), or the “non-reproductive cells”. Mutations of the non-
                           reproductive cell have been associated with an increased risk of cancer.

                   11.     Synergistic Material: This section lists any materials which if combined with the
                           controlled product, produce a response more serious than the sum of being exposed to
                           either chemical separately.

                                                             For example
                                   The risk of developing lung cancer from exposure to both cigarette
                                  smoke and asbestos is several times higher than the risk from either

            Section 7: Preventive Measures

            In this section the procedures, protective clothing, and equipment needed to work safely with a material
            is specified. The preventative measures are based on the information provided so far in the MSDS.
            The supplier can only provide general information; the employer must assess their conditions of use
            and implement control measures that are appropriate.

                    1.     Personal Protective Equipment: The MSDS should describe not only if PPE is
                           needed, but the specific type. For example, a HEPA filter respirator would not protect
                           against paint vapours. Some materials will dissolve natural rubber gloves. The MSDS
                           should also describe under what circumstances the PPE is needed. Personal protective
                           equipment includes:
                                skin
                                respiratory
                                eye
                                foot
                                clothing
                                other

                    2.     Engineering Controls: Engineering controls are the preferred method of control.
                           Information in this sub-section would include:
                                ventilation (dilution or local exhaust)
                                process enclosure
                                equipment design, etc.

                    3.     Leak and Spill Procedures: Safe procedures in the event of a leak, spill or other
                           release of the substance, are described here, including:
                                protective equipment for emergency workers
                                neutralizing, absorbing or other control materials
                                any other special concerns (e.g. keep upwind)

                    4.     Waster Disposal: This sub-section addresses topics such as:
                                waste container design
                                identifiers on containers consistent with WHMIS
                                preferred or required disposal locations
                                safe handling procedures (e.g. "Do Not Burn")
                                agency to contact regarding disposal requirements

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