Page 43 - Test
P. 43

5.  Determine the hazards to workers from using the controlled products. Consider:

                     the properties of the controlled products (fire, health, stability, etc.)
                     quantities used (eg, 1L. or 45 gal. per shift)
                     work processes (spraying/heating/dipping)
                     locations of use (sewer/open field/shop)

                     any other relevant factors

            6.  Ensure adequate controls are in place, based on the evaluation of the hazards. Control
               measures include:

                  Engineering - local exhaust and dilution ventilation; enclosing or modifying a process; isolating
                    the source of exposure.

                  Administrative - job procedures; work scheduling to minimize exposure for others; storage

                  Personal protective equipment: respirators, gloves, chemical goggles.

                      * PPE is only meant to be used when other means of protecting workers are not reasonably
                      practicable, or not sufficient.

            7.  Establish emergency procedures.

                 Based on the hazard evaluation, develop procedures for:
                      -       first aid incidents
                      -       fire fighting/evacuation measures. (Be able to provide any needed information about
                              controlled products to firefighters in the event of an emergency)
                      -       spills and leaks.

                 Ensure all identified emergency response equipment is available and in good repair.

            8.  Develop a worker education program.

                 Develop generic and site specific training described earlier.

                 Ensure all workers who require training receive it.

                 Maintain records.

                 During workplace inspections talk to workers about the chemicals they use, to determine if the
                   education is effective.

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