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                  Responsible for classification of controlled products imported into or sold in Canada
                  Must carry out testing or obtain information on controlled products


                  Responsible for classification of products manufactured in their workplace
                  Where an employer imports a product directly into the workplace from outside Canada, he/she is
                    considered the supplier and must classify the product (and if required, produce the label and
                    MSDS for the product)


                   Workers have no specific responsibilities for classification. However, if a worker has concerns
                    that a product in the workplace is not properly classified, he/she should bring that information to
                    the attention of the employer

                                            EXEMPTIONS FROM WHMIS

            There are groups of controlled products that are either fully or partially exempt from WHMIS.

            Note: These materials are still controlled products (i.e. have certain hazardous properties and meet
                    the criteria for one or more of the hazard classes) but are exempt in whole or part from WHMIS.

             Partial (Supplier) Exemptions                                Full Exemptions

             Products exempted from supplier aspects of WHMIS (no         Products exempted from all aspects
             requirement for supplier label or MSDS) are:                 of WHMIS (no MSDS, labeling, or
                                                                          training required) are:
                 (a)  Explosives (Explosives Act)
                 (b)  Cosmetics, food, drugs (Food and Drug Act)              (a)  Wood and products made
                 (c)  Pesticides (Pest Control Products Act)                      from wood
                 (d)  Radioactive materials (Atomic Energy Control Act)       (b)  Tobacco and products made
                 (e)  Consumer products (Hazardous Products Act)                  from tobacco
                                                                              (c)  Manufactured articles
             These groups of products are exempt because of how they          (d)  Products covered under
             are intended to be used. Based on their use, other labeling          Transportation of Dangerous
             and information requirements apply. These requirements are           Goods (TDG)
             addressed in the Acts listed above.                              (e)  In-house generated
                                                                                  hazardous waste
             Note: These products are not exempt from workplace
             aspects of WHMIS. Workplace labels will still be required,   Although these products are exempt
             and training needs to be provided. The supplier may still    from WHMIS, all other parts of the
             provide MSDS and if so, they must be made readily            Occupational Health and Safety
             available to workers.                                        legislation apply.

             AMHSA                                                                                             7
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