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In the 1980s when the concept of WHMIS was being explored, a federal-social economic impact study
estimated the costs of exposure to controlled products in the workplace to be about $600 million a year.
This was part of the rationale for implementing WHMIS. Approximately 1 in 4 Canadian workers is
exposed to chemical hazards on the job.
Unlabelled chemicals at work sites
Lack of awareness by employers and workers about the identify, properties, and hazards of the
chemicals they are using
Inadequate information provided by suppliers to employers and workers about the hazardous
properties of materials used at work sites and the precautions to be taken
Workplace health and safety law is normally a provincial/territorial matter (in Alberta it is the
Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation and Code) which places obligations on employers and
workers. However, because of a concern that employers could not obtain the information they needed
from suppliers about handling hazardous materials, federal intervention was required.
Federal Legislation Provincial/Territorial/Federal Occupational Health
and Safety Legislation
Affects suppliers of controlled Affects employers and workers using controlled
products to workplaces in Canada products
Administered by Health Canada In Alberta, administered by Alberta Employment &
Hazardous Products Act and Occupational Health and Safety Act and Part 29 of the
Controlled Products Regulations OH&S Code requires;
Defines what constitutes a employers to ensure that any controlled
controlled product products on site (purchased or manufactured
As a condition of sale to on-site) are adequately labeled, MSDSs are
workplaces in Canada, available, and workers receive appropriate
requires suppliers to training to use controlled products safely
o classify any controlled workers to participate in training and use that
products, knowledge to protect their health and safety, and
o adequately label that of their coworkers.
them, and
o provide a Material In addition to WHMIS, all other parts of the Alberta
Safety Data Sheet. Occupational Health and Safety legislation apply.