Page 10 - Revista FRONTAL Edição Especial iMed 12.0
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                    MICHAEL H. SHEPARD PHD


                                                                                              SARA SERRA

                                            and Dr. Axel Ullrich. Following Dr.   antibodies to serve that purpose.
                                            Ullrich’s  characterization  of the HER2   Dr.  Shepard  and  colleagues  at
                                            protooncogene, Dr. Shepard collaborated   Genentech (Dr. Slamon and Dr. Ullrich)
                                            with Dr. Ullrich and Dr. Slamon to explore   then   invented   Herceptin,   the   first
                                            possible links to breast cancer. Some   monoclonal antibody that blocks a
                                            of his colleagues discovered that HER2   cancer-causing protein, and developed it
                                            overexpression in breast cancer predicts   into a life-saving therapy for women with
                                            shorter survival. However, this discovery   breast cancer. The innovation reduces the
                                            could be considered unspecific because, as   risk of recurrence and extends survival
                                            we know, a lot of proteins are overexpressed   time for patients with metastatic as well
                                            in cancer cells and correlate with shorter   as early-stage disease.
                                            survival. Therefore, the remaining question   As a result of this research that lead to
                                            was: Is the overexpression of HER2 a   the discovery  of Herceptin,  Dr. Shepard,
                                            significant driver in tumor progression and   together with Dr. Slamon and Dr. Ullrich,
                                            how does this work?                 was honored the 2007 Warren Alpert
                                               While trying to answer this question,   Prize by Harvard Medical School and the
                                            Dr. Shepard’s colleague, Dr. Ullrich and   2019  Lasker  DeBakey  Clinical  Medical
                                            postdoctoral  fellow  Robert  Hudziak  Research Award.
                                            engineered  mouse  connective-tissue  This approach - in which a therapy
                                            cells grown in laboratory culture dishes   would  fixate  on  molecules  that  reside
                                            to produce extra HER2 protein. The   specifically  in  cancer  cells  -  held  great
                                            supplemental HER2 caused the cells to   appeal. Such a targeted strategy might
                                            keep dividing under conditions in which   avoid many of the harsh side effects
                                            they’d usually stop, a sign of transformation   associated with chemotherapy while
                                            to a cancerous state.               striking the source of the affliction.
                                                Following this research, Dr. Shepard   Through his research, Dr. Shepard
                                            and Dr. Ullrich discovered how HER2   has made seminal contributions to
           Michael H. Shepard, PhD is an    can cause resistance to immune cell   gene therapy of cancer, to tumor
        American cancer researcher. He holds   killing of tumor cells: overexpression of   suppressor gene targeted small molecule
        a bachelor's degree from the University   HER2 makes cells resistant to killing by   therapeutics,  and  to  drugs  which
        of California, Davis, and his PhD. from   macrophages, which are the first line of   target  the  tumor  extracellular  matrix.
        Indiana University.                 defense against cancer.             He continues his work, now expanding
           Dr. Shepard was a Damon Runyon      If excessive quantities of HER2 cause   successful treatment paradigms used in
        Cancer Research Foundation Fellow at   runaway growth and protection from   cancer  to  approach  inflammatory  and
        Indiana University. His introduction to   the body’s defense system, suppressing   autoimmune diseases and consults for
        biotechnology came when he joined   receptor function might reverse these   biopharma companies on how to develop
        Genentech in 1980. Following Genentech,   aberrant behaviors. The part of the   meaningful biomarkers that will speed
        he has been a Founder or Principal in   protein  that resides  outside  the  cell  was   drug development.
        several biotech companies. These include   especially alluring because it was likely   Education is another of Dr. Shepard’s
        Canji, Inc., NewBiotics, Receptor Biologix,   to be accessible to a drug. To block HER2   passions. He gives lectures meant to
        and Halozyme.                       stimulation, the researchers wanted to   teach, stimulate, excite and give hope to
           Dr. Shepard was awarded a Lasker   develop a compound that would bind to   interested scientists and students, and to
        Clinical Research award in 2019, which   this exposed portion and impede incoming   cancer patients who need to more about
        he shared with Dr. Dennis Slamon    signals. They investigated monoclonal   how the disease works.

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