Page 58 - Kids and Bees Resource Booklet_SP_Neat
P. 58
ii. Investigation 2:
1. Provide worksheet with regular polygons with the same area and have students find
the perimeter using rulers
b. Create ratio of perimeter:area
c. As a class discuss what this ratio tells us.
i. A ratio is “values comparing,” i.e. comparison between two numbers.
Una relacio n "compara valores", es decir, una comparacio n entre dos nu meros.
ii. If an animal wanted to make something with the biggest area but smallest perimeter, which
shape should it choose?
Si un animal quisiera hacer algo con el a rea ma s grande pero el perí metro ma s pequen o,
¿que forma deberí a elegir?
iii. Show picture of bee making wax and tell students how its made
1. Wax is made from honey (If available, pass around samples of beeswax so students
can see that wax smells sweet like honey)
2. It takes almost 10 pounds of honey to make one pound of wax. This makes wax very
expensive for bees to make, which is why they want the smallest perimeter to area
ratio when making honeycomb.
Se necesitan casi 10 libras de miel para hacer una libra de cera. Esto hace que la cera
sea muy costosa para las abejas, por lo que quieren la relacio n ma s pequen a entre el
perí metro y el a rea cuando hacen panales.
Extension Activities
1. Read “What do the experts think?”
a. Have students create a summary of it in addition to answering the two questions about ratios in the article.
b. Discuss the picture of a honey bee producing wax scales.
c. Watch TED Ed video on how bees make honeycomb “Why do honeybees love hexagons?” - Zack Patterson
and Andy Peterson