Page 158 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 158


                        for  __________  creatures that ought to be sans running, not secured up pens.
                        All things considered, I need to say current zoos are vastly improved than I
                        recollect, the creatures have bunches of space, they appear to be well dealt with
                        and we took in a ton.
                        The main thing we saw were the  __________. They look so human, it’s anything
                        but difficult to how we are identified with them. They don’t have tails like
                        chimpanzees and can walk upright a bit.
                        Next were the  __________. It’s stunning how they can get nourishment with their
                        trunks. I learned you can tell in the event that they are African or Indian by the
                        extent of their ears – African ones have greater ears.
                        After that it was the  __________, nicknamed the ‘king of the jungle’. We didn’t
                        hear any of them thunder, however we did get the opportunity to see them stroll
                        about. The guys have wonderful manes of hair around their necks. Evidently it’s
                        to ensure them in battles. I additionally read that the females do the vast majority
                        of the chasing.
                        My little girl was a bit frightened of the  __________, I figure quite a few people
                        don’t care for reptiles. I need to concede any creature with a long thin body and no
                        arms or legs is abnormal!
                        The  __________  made we chuckle, they are so charming! It’s unusual to believe
                        they’re a feathered creature that can’t fly. While different winged animals have
                        wings for flying, they have adjusted their flippers for swimming.
                        Alternate flying creatures I loved taking a gander at were the owl. They have
                        gigantic eyes, delightful quills, and they can turn their necks the distance around. I
                        read their extensive eyes are to help them see during the evening, when they are
                        generally dynamic.
                        My girl was interested with the  __________  and their long, long necks. She
                        asked me for what reason they have long necks rather than long legs – great
                        With everything taken into account, it was an awesome day. Next time I’ll take
                        her to the aquarium to see the dolphins and  __________.
                        More practice you may explore these links
                        Zoo Vocabulary 1
                        Zoo vocabulary 2
                        Spelling vocabulary about the zoo
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