Page 162 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 162



                        Dialogue 3

                        Practice the dialogue with your partner
                        A  : The water looks beautiful today !
                        B  : I know, I’ve been waiting to hit the beach for a weeks.
                        A  : How hot it will get today ?
                        B  : I’ve heard as high as 90 degrees.
                        A  : I’m glad we are at the beach today.
                        B  : Yeah. If we get hot, we can go swimming !
                        A  : Our friends are going to have a blast too.
                        B  : Yes, They will. Johnny already said he’s building a sandcastle.
                        A  : Can you hand me the sun tan lotion from my bag ?
                        B  : Sure, do you mind if I use some first ?
                        A  : No, not at all.
                        B  : Thank you. I’d hate to get a sun burn.
                        A  : I know, I had one last year and it hurt so bad.
                        B  : How long did it take to heal ?
                        A  : It hurt for at least a week or two.
                        B  : Ouch! Now I never leave the home without lotion.
                        A  : Good idea !
                        B  : Especially on hot days like today !
                        A  : Let’s set up our towels over here.
                        B  : Good, this way we are close to the water.
                        A  : Yes, I’m going to enjoy the beach. Do you want to join with me ?
                        B  : Off course, Let’s go !

                        More practice you can explore these link:

                          Let’s go to the beach!
                          At The Beach Useful Beach Vocabulary Through Animation
                          Questions about the beach
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