Page 33 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 33


                        RESEPTIONIST : No, I’m sorry, we only accept cash.
                        RAISYA              : OK, could you tell me where the nearest ________________
                                                        ( cash  machine)  is?
                                      a. VIP                       b. ATM                       c. KLM

                        RESEPTIONIST : There’s one in the bank across the street from here.

                        Exercise 3
                        Choose the correct answer
                        1. _____ he understand what you             c. been able to
                        were talking about?
                         a. Could                                  8. I’ll ________ help you later.
                         b. Cans                                   a. can
                         c. Coulded                                b. could
                                                                   c. be able to
                        2. My sister _____ play tennis now.
                         a. can to                                 9. Can you help me? I ________
                         b. can                                    never understand this.
                         c. will can                                a. can
                                                                    b. cannot
                        3. I _____ walk when I was less than        c. am able to
                        a year old.
                         a. can                                    10. Will people ________ live
                        b. could                                   forever one day?
                        c. have can                                a. could be
                                                                   b. be able to
                        4. (Polite) _____ you tell me what         c. could be able to
                        time it is, please?
                         a. Could
                         b. Can
                         c. Will

                        5. My grandfather ________ walk
                        without any help last night.
                                  a. can
                         b. could
                         c. was able to

                        6. I would like to ________ play the
                         a. can
                         b. could
                         c. be able to

                        7. How long have you ________
                         a. can
                         b. coulded
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