Page 34 - ebook English for Tourism
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                        F. M1: Vocabulary

                        Instructional objective
                        You will able to know the meaning of words and phrases about tour and travel

                        Vocabularies Activity

                        Vocabularies Exercise 1

                            arrive                     landmark               sightsee
                            depart                     luggage                souvenir
                            hotel                      map                    ticket
                            information desk           passport               tourist
                            international              postcard               trip

                        Improve your pronunciation the vocabularies in the box in this link Airport

                        Vocabularies Exercise 2
                        Complete the 15 sentences with the words on the left.
                         Travel              Questions

                                             It’s usually a great idea to travel with a good
                         A  arrive v.        ________________ so you don’t get lost. The Great
                         D  depart v.        Pyramids of Egypt and the Eiffel Tower in Paris are very
                         H  hotel n.         famous ________________s. I always buy lots of
                         I information       ________________s when I travel because I like to
                         desk n.             remember the places I’ve travelled to. What time does our
                         I international     flight leave, or ________________? When will you get
                         adj.                there, or ________________? Where can I buy a train
                         L  landmark n.      ________________? Last month, when I was in Vienna, I
                         L luggage n.        sent my grandmother a ________________ of the city. Our
                         M map n.            flight leaves from Gate 43, but I don’t know where Gate 43
                         P passport n.       is. Let’s ask at the ________________. My family and I are
                         P postcard n.       flying to Taiwan tomorrow, so we need to go to the
                         S sightsee v.       ________________ airport. Millions of
                         S souvenir n.       ________________s visit the Great Wall of China every
                         T ticket n.         year. The way my face looks changes as I get older, so I
                         T tourist n.        need to get a new ________________ every ten years. Don’t
                         T trip n.           forget to bring everything you need in your
                                             ________________. We’ll be travelling for two weeks.
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