Page 47 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 47


                        1.  Read all of the instructions on the front of the application form. ( T / F )
                        2.  If you give false or misleading information, your application will still be
                            processed. ( T / F )
                        3.  You can submit your application anytime. ( T / F )
                        4.  No appointment is required when submitting your application with the
                            AVAC. ( T / F )
                        5.  A fee is charged by the AVAC for their services. ( T / F )

                        Choose the best answer
                        1. The text mainly discusses….
                           a. Visa collection service through Australian Visa Application Centre
                           b. Various ways to submit visa application
                           c. The problems in applying visa
                           d. Fees for visa services

                        2. In line 7, the underlined word “misleading” has opposite  meaning with….
                           a. Deceptive
                           b. Confusing
                           c. Ambiguous
                           d. Correct

                        3. The following are the the things to remember when completing application,
                           a. complete all the required details on the application form.
                           b. submit your application early.
                           c. read all of the instructions on the front of the application form.
                           d. don’t need to include any documents and evidence with your application

                        4. The underlined word “ their” refers to….
                           a. appointment
                           b. services
                           c. documents
                           d. information

                        5. There are the things should be considered when sending your application by
                           post or courier, except….
                           a. clearly state your full name, KTP number, and contact details students.
                           b. include a pre-paid return envelope / return-courier advice.
                           c. email the embassy to make an appointment
                           d.  be in a sealed envelope

                        D.  M2: Writing

                        Instructional objective
                        You will be able to fill in an immigration form and review of immigration office
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