Page 63 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 63


                        Passenger   : That’s OK.
                        Clerk      : Are you _________ any bag today?
                        Passenger   : Yes I have one bag to check and one bag to ________.
                        Clerk      : Have you left you bag ________ at any time?
                        Passenger   : No, I always have my bag with me.
                        Clerk      : OK, That’s good .. Right now you have a _______. Would you
                                               prefer a __________ or an __________?
                        Passenger   : Er … an __________ , please.
                        Clerk      : OK, Here’s a new _________ and your ________.
                        Passenger   : Thanks.
                        Clerk      : Go through ________ and your ________ to Stockholm will depart
                                                from ________ B25. Flight _________ at 5.30.
                        Passenger   : ________ B25. OK. Thank you.

                          unattended           Depart              scurity          board

                          delayed              aisle seat          aisle seat       boarding pass

                          carry on             bagged claim        schedule         gate

                          window seat          Flight              flight

                          middle seat          checking in         boarding pass    pass port

                          gate                 Flying

                        Listening 4 : Garuda Indonesia Safety Announcement

                        Watch the video bellow and prictice


                        Listening 5 : Airport Boarding announcement
                        Watch the video bellow and prictice
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