Page 59 - ebook English for Tourism
P. 59


                        Practice the dialogue with your partner

                        Jenny          : I need to report lost luggage
                        Baggage agent  :  I’m very sorry sorry that’s happened
                        Jenny          : What do I need to do?
                        Baggage agent  : Please fill out this lost luggage form
                        Jenny          : I have very important business paper  in my suitcase
                        Baggage agent  : I understand and I’m very sorry
                        Jenny          : You contact me as soon as you find it?
                        Baggage agent  : Yes we will send it to you right away
                        Jenny          : I’m staying in the hotel downtown
                        Baggage agent  : I will contact  you as soon as we locate your suitcase

                        Dialogue 1 : Speak on your context


                        Practice the dialogue with your partner.
                        A   : Good morning sir, how may I help you, sir?
                        B    : Good morning. I will take a flight
                        A    : where are you flying today?
                        B    : I am going to Jakarta
                        A    : May I have your ticket and passport, please?
                        B    : Sure, here they are.
                        A    : Thank you Mr. How many pieces of luggage will you be checking in?
                        B    : Three bags. I also have one carry-on bag
                        A    : Alright sir. Please place your bags on the scale
                        B    : Okay, I place bags on the scale
                        A    : I’m sorry sir, your luggage is overweight. You need to pay for the excess
                                  weight sir
                        B    : Oh, I see. How much do I have to pay?
                        A    : You need to pay Rp. 150.00, Sir.
                        B    : Alright. Is cash okay?
                        A    : Of course, sir
                        B    : Okay, here it is.
                        A    : Thank you, sir would you like a window or an aisle
                        B    : The window please
                        A    : Okay, this is your seat number and the departure gate, sir. Your flight leaves
                                 at gate 5 and it will  begin boarding at 10 A.M your seat number is 20 D.
                        B    : Thank you very much
                        A    : You’re welcome, sir

                        Dialogue 2

                        Practice the dialogue with your partner
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