Page 29 - Mike Ratner CC - WISR Complete Dissertation - v6
P. 29

List of Abbreviations

                         ABCD        =    Asset-Based Community Development
                         CC          =    Community Conversations

                         CE          =    Community Engagement
                         CDC         =    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

                         COG         =    Controlling Oligarchic Group or Government
                         DD          =    Deliberative Democracy or Dialogue

                         GPEDC       =    Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation

                         GT          =    Grounded Theory
                         ID          =    Internal Dialogue

                         IE          =    Inequality Equality
                         IWILL       =    Intuitive Watching, Interviewing, Listening, and Loving

                         LAP         =    Leadership-as-Practice

                         LEAP        =    Local Effectiveness Agenda Process
                         MORB        =    Modus Operandi of Rational Behavior

                         PALAR       =    Participatory Action Learning and Action Research
                         RTP         =    Repeated Thought Pattern

                         TWP         =    Thoughts, Words and Actions

                         UBE3        =    Ultra Being an Excellent Example of Enlightenment
                         WISR        =    Western Institute for Social Research

                         WRECK       =    Welcoming, Right, Easy, Considerate, Kind

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