Page 26 - New Pontiac Engine Products - FEB 2019
P. 26

            Pontiac Engine - Radiator                                                                          E26

            Factory Correct Engine Compartment Hardware
                                  E              INL14443        INL14444

                     A                         64-67 Radiator Shroud No AC            64-67 GTO 4 Core Insulator
             C                                  Pn# - INL14443 - 9pc   $109.00 Set   Pn# - INL14408 - 1pc  $5.00  Each
                                      B         1964-67 Pontiac, Lemans, GTO, Radiator Fan Shroud For Cars  1964-67 Pontiac GTO Lemans 4 Core Lower Rubber Radiator
                                                With NO Air Conditioning, Comes with Mounting Hardware.  Insulator for 2 7/8" Tank.
                   Radiator Items               Exact to the factory originals. Injection Molded Plastic.  64-67 GTO 3 Core Insulator
                                                64-67 Radiator Shroud W/AC
                                                                                           Wire / Cable Strap
           A               B                    Pn# - INL14444 - 9pc   $109.00 Set   Pn# - INL14407 - 1pc  $5.00  Each
                                                1964-67 Pontiac, Lemans, GTO, Radiator Fan Shroud For Cars  1964-67 Pontiac GTO Lemans 3 Core Lower Rubber Radiator
                                                                                     Insulator for 2" Tank Also Fits 61-63 Tempest Upper.
                                                With Air Conditioning, Comes with Mounting Hardware. Exact to
                                                the factory originals. Injection Molded Plastic.
                                                                                        INL14830         INL14831
           Pn# - INL10630 -1pc   $6.00 ea
           1964-81 GM Radiator Drain Petcock  - Factory style.
           Used to drain the radiator fluid.
           Pn# - INL10631 -1pc   $5.50 ea                                            64-67 GTO 4 Core Brackets
           1964-79 GM Radiator Overflow Hose, Ribbed  - Factory style.               Pn# - INL14830 - 2pc  $22.00  Pr
           Used as radiator over flow hose - Exact with ribs.
                                                                                     1964-67 Pontiac, GTO, Lemans, Tempest 4 Core Radiator
                                                                                     Mounting Brackets. This is for the larger 4 core radiator.
             INL10126                                                                Insulators INL14408
                                                                                     64-67 GTO 3 Core Brackets
                                                      Radiator Plug Kit              Pn# - INL14831 - 2pc  $24.00  Pr
                                                                                     1964-67 Pontiac, GTO, Lemans, Tempest 3 Core Radiator
                                                         INL10677         INL10678   Mounting Brackets. This is for the standard 3 core radiator.
           C                                                                         Insulators INL14407

           Pn# - INL10126 -12pc   $14.00 Set
           69-73 GTO, 69-79 Firebird / Trans Am, Fan Shroud Hardware kit
           12 pc. This is the hardware that holds the plastic fan shroud to the
           metal core support.
                                                                                              INL15119  INL15120
                                               Pn# - INL10677 - 4pc  $18.00 set
              68-72 Radiator Brackets          64-71 GM Radiator Plugs for Cars with 4 Speeds. On GM cars  64-67 GTO 4 Core Brackets
                                               that did not have enought units to make specific manual trans,
           Pn# - INL11147 -4pc   $14.50 Set    radiators plugs were used to convert to manual trans radiator.  Pn# - INL15119 - 5pc  $29.95  Pr
           1968-72 GTO, Firebird Core Support Radiator Brackets. Used to  Pn# - INL10678 - 4pc  $18.00 set  1964-67 Pontiac, GTO, Lemans, Tempest 4 Core Radiator
           hold the radiator insulators rubbers in place at the core support.        Mounting Brackets & Insulators. This is for the larger 4 core
                                               72-79 GM Radiator Plugs for Cars with 4 Speeds. On GM cars  radiator or aluminum radiator upgrades.
                                               that did not have enought units to make specific manual trans,
                                               radiators plugs were used to convert to manual trans radiator.  64-67 GTO 3 Core Brackets
                                                                                     Pn# - INL15120 - 5pc  $35.00  Pr
                                                                                     1964-67 Pontiac, GTO, Lemans, Tempest 3 Core Radiator
                                                                                     Mounting Brackets & Insulators. This is for the 3 core radiator.

           Pn# - INL10638 -1pc   $175.00 ea        GM Radiator Cap RC-15                      INL10956         INL10957
           1971-72 GM A-body GTO, LeMans, Tempest  Fan Shroud GM.  Pn# - INL11771 -1pc  $28.00 Ea
           Identical to the original with 1" portion of the upper left side has  1966-72 GM RC-15 Radiator Cap. This was used on countless  68-79 Radiator Insulators
           been removed from mold. Fit and function same as OEM.
                                                GM cars as the standard Radiator Cap.  Pn# - INL10956 - 2pc   $12.00 Set
           Pn# - INL11840 -1pc   $179.00 ea                                         1968-79 Pontiac, LeMans, GTO, Firebird, TA  4 Core Side Tank/
           1970 GM A-body GTO, LeMans, Tempest  Fan Shroud. Identical  See our online catalog:  Radiator Rubber Pads. Used between the shroud and radiator to
           to the original  - Excellent new reproduction, same as OEM.  insulate from vibration. Exact with part number.
           Pn# - INL11841 -1pc   $179.00 ea        We Stock all Our Parts           Pn# - INL10957 - 2pc   $12.00 Set
           1969 GM A-body GTO, LeMans, Tempest  Fan Shroud. Identical               1968-79 Pontiac, LeMans, GTO, Firebird, TA 3 or 2 Core Side
           to the original  - Excellent new reproduction, same as OEM.  Made By Inline Tube  Tank/Radiator Rubber Pads. Used between the shroud and
                                                                                    radiator to insulate from vibration. Exact with part number.
                                               Order Line 800. 385. 9452
                                             Tech Support 586. 532. 1338
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