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Chevy Engine - Spark Plug Wire Looms                                                                Page

          Engine                                                                                              205

            64-81 Distributor Gasket                                                  64-66 BB Booster Hose
         Pn# - INL11340 -1pc   $2.50 Ea              68-70 Wire Loom
         1964-81 4bbl  V8 Distrubutor  Gasket.   Used between the  Pn# - INL13049 -1pc  $15.00 Set  Pn# - INL13386 - 5pc  $23.00 Set
         dist and the engine block.                                                1964-66 Chevrolet (All Models) Big Block Power Brake
                                              1968-70 Chevrolet Engine All V8 Big Block Valve Cover Wire  Booster Vaccum Hose Kit. Hose 22" -  GM part# 5461299
                                              Loom. Right Hand 2nd Bolt Hole - Factory Correct.  valve,  5461808 grommet,  3829058 clip,  3715073 hose -
                                                                                   Cut hose if  necessary -  Runs From Booster  to Hard Line

          64-73 Distributor Condenser
         Pn# - INL11337 -1pc   $8.00 Ea
         1964-73 4bbl V8 OEM Style Condenser. This is high  Chevrolet SB Valve Cover
         quality  with  clamp.
                                              Pn# - INL13045 -1pc  $16.00 Each        67-72 BB Booster Hose
                                              1969-70 Chevrolet Engine All V8 Small Block Valve Cover Spark
                                              Plug Retainer. L Shaped bracket that mounts on LH Rear Bolt  Pn# - INL13387 - 5pc  $22.00 Set
                                              Hole of Valve Cover.                 1967-72 Chevrolet (All Models) Big Block Power Brake
                                                                                   Booster Vaccum Hose Kit. Hose 12" -  GM part# 5461299
                                                                                   valve,  5461808 grommet,  3829058 clip,  3715073 hose -
                                                                                   Cut hose if  necessary -  Runs From Booster  to Hard Line
      Heater Hose, Ex Manifold, A/C, Power Steering, Engine Brackets
                  INL12626          INL12486
                 Bare Steel Paint               Chevrolet SB Valve Cover
         Pn# - INL12626 - 1can $12.00 Ea      Pn# - INL13046 -1pc  $16.00 Each
         Bare Steel Paint - This is the closest match to bare steel color
         paint on the market. Used on drive shaft, engine parts and as a  1969-1971 Chevrolet Engine All V8 Small Block Valve Cover  64-77 SB Booster Hose
         base on valve covers, oil pan, and other stamped steel parts.  Spark Plug Retainer. Left hand front plug wire retainer, temp wire
                                              holder mounts on left hand front.    Pn# - INL13388 - 5pc  $22.50 Set
              Cast Iron Spray Paint                                                1967-77 Chevrolet (All Models) Small Block Power Brake
         Pn# -INL12486 - 1can  $12.00 Ea                                           Booster Vaccum Hose Kit. Hose 18" -  GM part# 5461299
                                                                                   valve,  5461808 grommet,  3829058 clip,  3715073 hose -
         Cast Iron Spray Paint. Used on Cast Iron Parts: Master Cylinder,          Cut hose if  necessary -  Runs From Booster  to Hard Line
         Calipers, Phosphate type brackets.

                                                 SB Plug Wire Retainers
                                               Pn# - INL13042 - 8pc  $8.00 Ea
                                               1967-1972 Chevrolet Engine Small Block Spark Plug Wire
                   INL12491         INL12488   Retainers. Factory correct. Spark plug wire hold downs.
                 Aluminum Paint                       My Order List:
         Pn# -INL12491 - 1can  $12.00 Ea
         Aluminum Non - Smudge Paint. Used Alternators & Brackets  _________________________________________  At Inline Tube your call is always
                Semi Gloss Black              ___________________________          answered by a friendly staff member not a
         Pn# -INL12488 - 1can  $12.00 Ea      ___________________________          machine. Give us a call today.
         Semi Gloss Black Spray Paint. Used on engine brackets & pulleys
                                              ___________________________                           Inline Tube makes
                     Have a question on a part  ___________________________                        hundreds of factory
                     prior to ordering? Give us                                                     correct concours
                     a call. Our friendly staff  ___________________________                        muscle car parts.
                     will get you the answer.

                                             Order Line 800. 385. 9452
                                            Tech Support 586. 532. 1338
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