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Chevrolet Under Hood - Wiper Motor                                                                  Page

          Factory Correct Engine Compartment Hardware                                                         209

           64-65 Chevelle Squirters                                                   Wiper Motor Mounting

         Pn# - INL13267 -2pc   $35.00 Set           Washer Hose Sets              Pn# - INL10534 -7pc    $18.50 Set
         1964-65 GM A-body Chevelle  / Elcamino Windshield Squirters              64-72 GM A-body, 70-79 F-body Windshield Wiper Motor
         and Screws Pair. Bolted to the bottom of the hood edge.  Pn# - INL10704 -per ft   $1.50 Ft  Mounting Grommet, Screws, and Brass Ground Strap.
                                              1968-72 GM Windshield Wiper Hose.Correct large diameter  Pn# - INL10535 -1pc   $9.50 Ea
                                              hose from the bottle to the pump I.D. 7/32. Sold by the foot.  64-72 GM A-body Wiper Motor Brass Ground Strap.
                                              Pn# - INL10705 -per ft   $1.50 Ft     Single Speed Wiper Motor
                                              1968-72 GM Windshield Wiper Hose.Correct small diameter  Pn# - INL13786- 1pc  $12.00  Set
                                              ribbed hose from pump to nozzels I.D. 5/32.Sold by the
                                              foot.                                1964-72 GM A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, 67-69 F-body
                                                                                   Camaro / Firebird, 68-72 X-body, Nova, 71-74 Ventura, 73-74
                                                                                   Apollo / Omega Wiper Motor Mounting Ground Strap, Grommets
                                                                                   & Mounting Screws. Used to hold the wiper motor in place. Used
           66-67 Chevelle Squirters                                                on all cars with single speed wiper motor.
         Pn# - INL13268 -2pc   $35.00 Set
         1966-67 GM A-body Chevelle  / Elcamino Windshield Squirters
         and Screws Pair. Bolted to the bottom of the hood edge.

                                                1965-72 Fenderwell Straps          INL10378
                                              Pn# - INL13384 - 2pc  $5.00 Set        68-69 Wiper Plate Gasket
                                              1965-72 Chevrolet (All Models) Inner Fenderwell Wiring &
                                              Washer  Hose  Hold Down  Straps.  Used to hold wiring and  Pn# - INL10378 - 1pc  $8.00 ea
                                              hose to the inner fender.            1968-69 GM A-body Wiper Motor to Firewall Plate Adhesive
           68-69 Chevelle Squirters                                                Backed Gasket. Used between the metal firewall plate.
      Cowl, Firewall Inner Fenders, Core Support
         Pn# - INL13269 -2pc   $35.00 Set                                             GM Wiper Motor Gasket
         1968-69GM A-body Chevelle  / Elcamino Windshield Squirters                Pn# - INL10320 - 1pc  $4.75 ea
         and Screws Pair. Bolted to the bottom of the hood edge.                   1964-79 GM  Windshield Wiper Motor to Firewall / Plate Gasket .
                                                                                   Used between the wiper motor and the plate or firewall.

                                                64-88 Wiper Mounting Kit
                                              Pn# - INL13658 - 6pc  $10.00 Set
                                              1964-88 GM, 1967-81 F-body Camaro / Firebird, 1964-72 GM A-
                                              body Chevelle, GTO, 442, Skylark,  1968-1979 Nova, 1971-1974
           70-72 Chevelle Squirters           Ventura, 73-74 Omega / Apollo,  1964-1978 Fullsize Chevy,  1964-
                                              1978 All Pontiac, 1969-1972 Grand Prix, 1964-1978 Oldsmobile
         Pn# - INL13270 -2pc   $35.00 Set     1964-1978 Fullsize Buick (All Models), Windshield Wiper
         1970-72 GM A-body Chevelle  / Elcamino Windshield Squirters  Mounting to Firewall Grommets and Screws. Holds and insulates
                                              the wiper motor at the firewall.
         and Screws Pair. Bolted to the bottom of the hood edge.                          Wiper Motor Plate
                                                                INL13660           Pn# - INL11847 - 1pc  $29.00 ea
                                                                                   1968-69 GM A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, 70-81 F-body
                                                                                   Trans Am Windshield Wiper Motor Firewall Mounting Plate 1pc.
                                                                                   Used to hold the wiper motor to the firewall.

                                                 64-88 Wiper  Grommets
             67-69 Camaro Nozzel              Pn# - INL13659 - 3pc  $7.50 Set
         Pn# - INL13317 -2pc   $16.95 Set     1964-88 GM, (All Models), Windshield Wiper Mounting to
                                              Firewall Grommets. Holds and insulates motor at the firewall.
         1967-69 GM F-body Camaro, Windshield Washer Spray
         Nozzle, Pair.                             64-88 Wiper  Screws              Wiper Motor Plate Screws
          Many new products added             Pn# - INL13660 - 3pc  $3.00 Set      Pn# - INL10701 -3pc    $4.00 set
                                              1964-88 GM, (All Models), Windshield Wiper Mounting to  68-72 Pontiac A-body GTO, Lemans, 70-81 F-body Firebird Wiper
          monthy - check back often!          Firewall Screws. Holds the wiper motor at the firewall.  Motor Plate to Firewall Bolts with Star Washers.
                                             Order Line 800. 385. 9452
                                            Tech Support 586. 532. 1338
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