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Chevrolet Under Hood - Cowl / Firewall                                                              Page

          Cowl / Firewall                                                                                     212

                                                Factory OEM Wiring Tape
                                              Pn# - INL10377 -2Rolls  $12.95            AC Water Tube Boot
                                              GM Factory OEM Wiring Harness Tape - 1inch wide x 100 feet.  Pn# - INL12849 -2pc   $11.00 Set
          68-72 Non  AC Firewall Pad          This is the non adhesive smooth tape used on all wiring.  1964-79 all GM Blower Motor, Evaporator Case Drain Hose.
         Pn # - INL11039 -1 pc   $39.00 Set                                        Clips on to the bottom of the case drain outlet.
         1968-72 GM A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS Non-A/C Firewall
         Pad & Clips. Glued on firewall between it and the heater box.

                                                    Cloth Wiring Tape                       AC Grommet

                                              Pn# - INL11306 -1Roll  $12.95 Ea    Pn# - INL10551 1pc    $9.00 Ea.
                                              GM / Mopar Factory OEM Cloth Electrical Wiring Tape 1"x 82ft.
                                              Cloth friction tape that was used all over cars from the 60's & 70's  68-72 GM A-body Firewall Accessory Grommet at Center
                                                                                  of  Firewall.  This was used on AC cars on the firewall and
          68-72 With  AC Firewall Pad         on wiring and battery cables.       also for the speedo cable that runs at the floor.
         Pn # - INL11040 -1 pc   $39.00 Set
         1968-72 GM A-body Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS with A/C Firewall
         Pad & Clips. Glued on firewall between it and the heater box.

                                                                                   Tach / Accessory  Grommet
                                                P- Brake Lever Mount Kit           Pn# - INL10756 -1pc  $12.00 Ea
                                                                                   67-78 Tach fire wall grommet. Used as an accessory
                                              Pn# - INL10972 -3pc    $3.00 Set     grommet next to the fuse block for cars with hood tach and
                                                                                   under hood lights.
                                              1964-72 GM A-body Parking brake lever mounting Kit. Used to
            68-72 Firewall Pad Clips          hold the parking brake lever to the firewall and dash frame.
         Pn# - INL11373-8pc    $8.00 Set
         68-72 GM A-body Fire Wall Pad Fasteners . Used to hold the
         interior firewall pad to the fire wall - both A/C & non-A/C.

                                                                                           FRONT            BACK        Cowl, Firewall Inner Fenders, Core Support
                                                                                    68-72 AC Firewall Grommet
                                              Accessory Firewall Grommet           Pn# - INL12900 - 1pc  $13.00 Ea
                                              Pn# - INL10550 1pc   $14.95 Ea.      1968-72 GM A-body A/C Firewall Rubber with Metal
                                                                                   Backing Vacuum Hose Grommet.    Used on AC cars,  2 1/4"
                                              68-72 GM A-body Firewall Accessory Grommet at DS Fender.  firewall hole. The 2 smaller vac holes are 5/16" and the
                   INL12491         INL12488  This is the firewall grommet that is used for the tach wire,hood  single hole is 3/16".
                                              lamp wire and vacuum hoses to pass through the firewall.
                 Aluminum Paint
         Pn# -INL12491 - 1can  $12.00 Ea
         Aluminum Non - Smudge Paint. Used Alternators & Brackets
                Semi Gloss Black
         Pn# -INL12488 - 1can  $12.00 Ea
         Semi Gloss Black Spray Paint. Used on engine brackets & pulleys                AC Heater Core Seal
                                                                                   Pn# - INL13628 - 1pc  $3.50 Ea
                  New Products In Red           Visit us and our products on the road  1968-72 GM A-body, Chevelle / Elcamino, Cutlass, GTO, Skylark,
                                                                                   69-72 Grand Prix, 70-72 Monte Carlo, AC Heater Box Heater
                                                   we do over 60 events a year.    core Tube Seal.  Goes around heater core tubes at face of box.
                                             Order Line 800. 385. 9452
                                            Tech Support 586. 532. 1338
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