Page 217 - Chevrolet Catalog
P. 217

Chevrolet Under Hood - Cowl / Firewall                                                              Page

          Cowl / Firewall                                                                                     215

                                                64-67 Col to Firewall Seal           62-66 Nova Column Seal
                                              Pn# - INL12902 - 1pc  $6.25 Ea       Pn# - INL13484- 1pc   $9.50 Ea
           64-67 Manual Trans Plate           1964-67 GM A-body Steering Column Plate To Firewall Seal.  1962-66 Nova Steering Column Seal. This goes between the
                                              This is the seal that goes between the steering column plate and
                                                                                   column plate and the firewall.
         Pn# - INL13323- 2pc   $39.00 Set     the firewall. To seal the plate.
         1964-67 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, Steering Column
         to Firewall Plate - Manual Trans. 2 piece with bolts. Used to hold
         the column adjustment at firewall.

                                                                                       67 Nova Column Seal
                                               64-67 Clutch Boot Retainer          Pn# - INL13485- 1pc   $9.50 Ea
                                                                                   1967 Nova Steering Column Seal. This goes between the column
                                              Pn# - INL12260 - 1pc  $15.00 Ea      plate and the firewall.
                                              1964-67 GM A-body (Chevelle, GTO, 442, Skylark) Manual Trans
             64-67 Auto Trans Plate           Clutch Rod Boot Retainer. Used to hold the clutch boot at the
         Pn# - INL13322- 2pc   $39.00 Set
         1964-67 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, Steering
         Column to Firewall Plate - Automatic Trans. 2 piece with
         bolts. Used to hold the column adjustment at firewall.

           INL13343         INL13344
                                                                                   67-68 F/X Body Column Seal
      Cowl, Firewall Inner Fenders, Core Support
                                                                                   Pn# - INL13486- 1pc   $9.50 Ea
                                                                                   1967-68 Camaro, Firebird, 68 Nova Steering Column Seal. This
            64-67 Mounting Screws                   64-67 Clutch Boot              goes between the column plate and the firewall.
         Pn# - INL13343 -7pc   $8.50 Set      Pn# - INL13095 - 1pc  $12.00 Ea
         1964-67 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS Automatic  1964-67 GM A-body (Chevelle, GTO, 442, Skylark) Manual Trans
         Steering Column to Firewall Plate Mounting Kit. Used to  Clutch Rod Boot. Used to hold the clutch rod at firewall.
         hold the column plate to firewall.
         Pn# - INL13344 -7pc   $6.50 Set
         1964-67 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS Manual
         Steering Column to Firewall Plate Mounting Kit. Used to
         hold the column plate to firewall.
                                                                                       69 F/X Body Column
                                                                                              SealSeal  $9.50 Ea
                                                                                   Pn# - INL13487- 1pc
                                                                                   1969 Camaro, Firebird,  69-74 Nova, 73-74 Omega / Apollo, 71-
                                                                                   74 Ventura, Steering Column Seal. This goes between the column
                                                                                   plate and the firewall.
                                                67-69 F-body Clutch Boot
                                              Pn# - INL11868 - 1pc  $8.00 Ea
                                              1967-69 F-body - Camaro / Firebird, 1968-75 Nova / Ventura
                                              Clutch Pushrod Boot. Excellent -  with embedded metal flange.
           Pete Tzianis of MI restored this 69 Copo
         Camaro  using Inline tube restoration parts.

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                         part prior to ordering?
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                         you the answer.                                              Visit us and our products on the road
                                                 Inline tube is located in the Motor City  we do over 60 events a year.

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