Page 219 - Chevrolet Catalog
P. 219

Chevrolet Under Hood - Hoses                                                                        Page

          Cowl / Firewall                                                                                     217
                                                                                       INL13131  INL13132   INL13133

                                                                                          Fuel Hose Sets
                                                   Vacuum Check Valve
                                                                                   Pn# - INL13131  - 3/8"  $5.50 Ea
                                              Pn# - INL11304 -1pc  $12.00 Ea
                                                                                   1960-77 3/8" Fuel Hose Set - 2' of hose with 4 correct green clips.
                                              1967-77 Engine Vacuum Check Valve.   Pn# - INL13132  - 5/16" $5.50 Ea
               Core Support Clip              These are used on all AC cars and 68-69 Hide-A-Way Cars and  1960-77 5/16" Fuel Hose Set - 2' of hose with 4 correct black clips.
                                              also all models off the vacuum tree on the intake.
                                                                                   Pn# - INL13133  - 1/4"  $5.50 Ea
                                                                                   1960-77 1/4" Fuel Hose Set - 2' of hose with 4 correct red clips.
                                                                                   This hose is used to connect the fuel and return lines at the fuel
                                                                                   pump and the sending units. There is enough for 2 connections
                                                                                   both front and rear.
             INL11175              INL11176
         Pn# - INL11175 -10 pc   $30.00 Set
         64-69  Core Support Wire Retainer Plastic Clips. Used to hold
         the front end light harness to the core support.
         Pn# - INL11176 -1 pc   $4.00 Ea
         64-69  Core Support Wire Retainer Plastic Clip. Used to hold the
         front end light harness to the core support.                                 3/8" Fuel Hose by the ft
                                                Front End Harness Straps
                                                                                   Pn# - INL13134- per ft   $1.80 Ft
                                                                                   1955-81 3/8" Gas Stamped Fuel Hose, with factory correct gas
                                                                                   printing. Sold by the foot.
                                                                                     5/16" Fuel Hose by the ft
                                                                                   Pn# - INL13135- per ft   $1.80 Ft
                                                                                   1955-81 5/16" Gas Stamped Fuel Hose, with factory correct gas
                                                                                   printing. Sold by the foot.
                                                                                      1/4" Fuel Hose by the ft
      Cowl, Firewall Inner Fenders, Core Support
                                              Pn# - INL11117 -5pc  $14.00 Set      Pn# - INL13136- per ft   $1.80 Ft
              70-79 Wire Retainers            1968-72 Oldsmobile, Cutlass , 442 , P4007 Clip, used to
                                              hold the the front end harness in place.  1955-81 1/4" Gas Stamped Fuel Hose, with factory correct gas
                                                                                   printing. Sold by the foot.

         Pn# - INL11829 -1pc   $4.00 Ea                                              All GM Fuel Supply Hose
         1970-79 Core Support Wire Retainers.  Used to hold the front end
         wire harness to the core support.                                        Pn# - INL13319 -3pc    $3.95 Ea
                                                                                  1960-87 All GM Fuel Line Hose with Correct Gas Printing
                                               1965-72 Fenderwell Straps          and Green  Pinch Clips.  13" of 3/8" hose with green clips.
                                              Pn# - INL13384 - 2pc  $5.00 Set
                                              1965-72 Chevrolet (All Models) Inner Fenderwell Wiring &
                                              Washer Hose Hold Down Straps. Used to hold wiring and hose to
                                              the inner fender.
                                                      My Order List:              Pn# - INL13320 -6pc    $6.95 Ea
                                              _________________________________________  1960-87 All GM, Fuel Line Hose with Correct Gas Printing
                                                                                  and Green  Pinch Clips.  13 inches of 3/8" hose at the
                                                                                  pump and 6" at the sending unit, with olive green clips.
           70-77 Pontiac Wiring Clips         ___________________________
         Pn# - INL12001 - 10pc  $29.50 Set    ___________________________
         1970-77  Front End Harness Core Support Plastic Hold Down  _________________________________________
         Clips. Used to hold the front end harness to the core support.
          For New Products See Our            ___________________________          Pn# - INL13321 -11pc   $7.95 Ea
                Online Catalog:               ___________________________          1960-87 All GM, Fuel / Return Line Hose with Correct Gas
                                                                                   Printing and Red / Green Pinch Clips. 13 inches of 3/8"
                                                       hose at the pump, 6" at the sending unit & 19 inches of 1/
                                                                                   4" return hose.
                                             Order Line 800. 385. 9452
                                            Tech Support 586. 532. 1338
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