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64-79 Manual Transmission - Bell Housing/Clutch                                                     Page

          GM  Manual Transmission                                                                             222

                                                                                     Z Bar Stud Engine Block
                                                Bell Housing Fork Fitting          Pn# - INL10936 - 1pc  $12.00 Ea

               Bell Housing Bolts             Pn# - INL13097 - 1pc  $14.50 Set     1964-67, 73-77 GM Ball Stud Clutch Z Bar to Engine Block with
                                                                                   Seal. Used to hold the 4 speed Z bar to the engine block.
                                              1962-87 GM Bell Housing Clutch Fork Fitting. 1964-72 GM A-
         Pn# - INL10290 -8pc   $14.99 set     body Chevelle / GTO / 442 / GS, 1967-81 F-body Camaro /
                                              Firebird, 1962-79 X-Body Nova / Ventura.  All GM Cars and
         68-79 Muncie Transmission to Bell Housing Bolts, 8pc . These  Trucks with manual trans.
         hold the transmission to the bell housing.

                                                                                        Pressure Plate Bolts
                                                                                   Pn# - INL12800 -12pc  $8.00 Set
                                                                                   1964-79 GM Pressure Plate to Flywheel Bolt Set. Correct TR
                                                                                   grade 5 bolts. Used to hold the pressure plate and clutch
                                                    Throwout Bearing               assembly to the flywheel.
         Pn# - INL10289 - 6pc  $18.00 set     Pn# - INL12799 -1pc  $45.00 Ea
         68-72 Muncie Bell Housing to Engine Bolts. These are the bolts
         that hold the transmission bell housing to the back side of the  1964-79 GM Manual Transmission High Performance Throwout
                                              Bearing. The best brand in the world when it comes to bearings
         engine block.                        made in the USA.

                                                                                       10 Spline Clutch  Tool
                                                                                   Pn# - INL12816 - 1pc  $4.50 Ea
                                                                                   Clutch Alignment Tool - 10 Spline - Used on all manual
         Pn# - INL10119 -4pc   $5.00 set                                           transmissions to align the clutch. 1958-69 use the 10 Spline.
         64-79 GM 4 speed  bell housing plastic plugs 4 pc set - These  68-72 Z-Bar Frame Bracket
         were used on all bell housing in the holes that were not used.
                                              Pn# - INL10875 - 1pc  $18.00 Ea
                                              1968-72 GM A-body Clutch Z-Bar Countershaft Frame Bracket.
                                              Used to hold Z-bar at frame.                                              Transmission

                                                                                       26 Spline Clutch  Tool

                                              INL12235          INL12236           Pn# - INL12817 - 1pc  $4.50 Ea
                Clutch Fork Boot               Z-Bar Frame Bracket Bolts           Clutch Alignment Tool - 26 Spline - Used on all manual
         Pn# - INL10520 -1pc    $12.00 ea.                                         transmissions to align the clutch. 1970-up use the 26 Spline.
         64-79 GM 4 Speed Bell Housing Clutch Fork Rubber Boot.  Pn# - INL12235 - 2pc  $2.50 Pair  Our professional  staff of
         Located in the side of the bell housing - original usually gets torn.  1968-72 GM A-body Clutch Z-Bar Counter Shaft Frame Bracket  sales representatives,  tech
                                              Bolts - Course thread. Used to hold Z-bar bracket at frame.
                                                                                             support team and engineers
                                              Pn# - INL12236 - 2pc  $2.50 Pair               can answer any brake related
                                              1968-72 GM A-body Clutch Z-Bar Counter Shaft Frame Bracket  question - Give us a call.
                                              Bolts - Fine thread. Used to hold Z-bar bracket at frame.

             64-72 MT Clutch Fork
         Pn# - INL12986 - 1pc  $46.00 Ea
         1964-1972 GM A-body, 67-69 F-body, 68-74 X-body Manual Trans
         Clutch Fork. This part differs in appearance from the original, the
         anti-rattle spring hold will have to be drilled. For 64-65 cars  64-67 Z Bar  Spring Brk
         grooves will need to be cut into fork for return spring.
                                              Pn# - INL12901 - 1pc  $12.00 Ea       Inline tube makes and stocks thousands
             We Stock all Our Parts           1964-67 GM A-body Manual Transmission Weld on Z Bar Return  of factory correct concours parts so
                                              Spring Bracket.    Used to hold the Z bar return spring.  your order can ship within 24 hours.
                                             Order Line 800. 385. 9452
                                            Tech Support 586. 532. 1338
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