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64-79 Manual Trans - Firewall Pushrod                                                               Page

          GM  Manual Transmission                                                                             224


                                                                                   AT / MT Brake / Clutch Pivot
         Chevelle AT Drum Brake Pad                                                Pn# - INL11895 -2pc   $6.00 Set
         Pn# - INL13102- 1pc   $6.95 Ea        64-66 Clutch Brake Pedals           64-77 GM  Brake / Clutch Pedal Pivot Plastic Bushings
         1964-72 Chevelle / Elcamino, 67-69 Camaro, 68-74 Nova,  Brake  Pn# - INL13688 - 1set  $115.00 Set   Used to swivel the the brake pedal to the dash mountng bracket, 2
         Pedal Pad Automatic with Drum Brakes.  This is the automatic  1964-66 Chevelle / Elcamino, Manual Transmission Clutch &  are used on automatic cars and 4 are used on manual trans cars.
         trans brake pedal pad for cars with drum brakes.  Brake Pedal Assembly.

                                                                                     64-88 Pivot Pin Retainer
                                                                                   Pn# - INL11901 -1pc   $2.50 Ea
                                                                                   64-88 GM A-body Clutch / Brake Pedal Pivot Pin Retainer.
          Chevelle AT Disc Brake Pad             67 Clutch Brake Pedals            Used to hold the pivot pin from falling out.
         Pn# - INL13101- 1pc   $13.95 Ea      Pn# - INL13689 - 1set  $125.00 Set
         1964-72 Chevelle / Elcamino, 67-69 Camaro, 68-74 Nova,  Brake  1967 Chevelle / Elcamino, Manual Transmission Clutch & Brake
         Pedal Pad with Disc Brakes.  This is the automatic trans brake  Pedal Assembly.
         pedal pad for cars with disc brakes.

                                                                                       Backup Light Switch
                                               68-72 Clutch Brake Pedals           Pn# - INL10971 -1pc   $32.00 Ea
          Chevelle Clutch / Brake Pad         Pn# - INL13690 - 1set  $115.00 Set   1969-73 GM A,F,X-body Manual Trans Steering Column Mounted
                                                                                   Reverse / Backup Lights Switch or (Neutral Safety Switch). Used
         Pn# - INL13099 - 1pc  $4.95 Ea       1968-72Chevelle / Elcamino, Manual Transmission Clutch &  on 3 & 4 speed cars to turn on the backup lights when trans is in
         1964-72 Chevelle / Elcamino, 67-69 Camaro, 68-74 Nova,  Clutch  Brake Pedal Assembly.  reverse. Very different from the Auto trans cars.
         / Brake Pedal Pad.  This is the manual trans clutch pedal pad and
         the brake pedal pad for cars with out disc brakes. If your car is
         manual trans with out disc brake you need 2 of these. if MT with
         Disc Brake 1 of this.                                                                                          Transmission

                                              INL12999          INL13169
                                                  64-79 Switch Retainer                67-77 Clutch Bumper
                                              Pn# - INL12999 - 1pc  $2.50 Ea      Pn# - INL12437 - 1pc  $4.00 Ea
         Chevelle MT Disc Brake Pad           1964-1972 GM A-body, Stop Light Switch Retainer Clip. Used to
                                              hold the brake light switch to the bracket.  1967-77 Clutch Pedal Rubber Bump Stop - Snaps into the metal
         Pn# - INL13100 - 1pc  $9.95 Ea                                           support to stop the clutch pedal in the return position.
         1964-72 Chevelle / Elcamino, 67-69 Camaro, 68-74 Nova,  MT  64-79 Switch Bracket
         Brake Pedal Pad with disc brakes.  This is the manual trans brake  Pn# - INL13169 - 1pc  $9.00 Ea  INL12023
         pedal pad for cars with disc brakes. If your car is manual trans
         with disc brake you need 1of these and 1 of INL13099.  1964-1972 GM  A-body, Stop Light Switch Bracket. Used to hold
                                              the brake light switch to the pedal bracket.
                                                                                     Brake Pedal Speed Nuts
                                                                                   Pn# - INL12022 - 2pc  $1.50 Pr.
                                                                                   1969-72 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, Brake Pedal to
                                                                                   Cowl Bracket Speed Nuts. Used to hold the assembly together at
                                                                                   the factory for easy installation.
           Chevelle - Park Brake Pad            64-75 Brake Light Switch           Pn# - INL12023 - 2pc  $2.00 Pr.
         Pn# - INL13098 - 1pc  $3.95 Ea       Pn# - INL12436 - 1pc  $10.00 Ea      1969-72 GM A-body, Chevelle, GTO, 442, GS, Brake Pedal to
         1964-72 Chevelle, 67-69 Camaro Parking Brake Pedal Pad. This  1964-75 Brake Pedal Brake Light Switch - Everytime the pedal  Cowl Bracket Nuts. Used to hold the brake & dash assembly
         is correct without the PARK letters on the pad.  comes off the switch the brake lights come on.  together at the cowl, inside the car.
                                             Order Line 800. 385. 9452
                                            Tech Support 586. 532. 1338
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