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Brake Cables - Chevrolet Full Size Impala Page
Parking Brake Cable Sets 277
Chevy Brake Cables 1941-54 GM Brake Cables 1967-70 Impala
Parking Brake Cables Stainless OE Steel
RE902 1941-54 Rear Cable, Each $55.00 $45.00
GM Brake Cables 1955-57 Bel Air
Parking Brake Cables Stainless OE Steel
FT325 1967-70 Front Cable $55.00 $45.00
T-350, PG, Manual
Parking Brake Cables Stainless OE Steel FT444 1967-70 Front Cable T-400 $55.00 $45.00
RE901 1955-57 Rear Cable, Each $79.00 $59.00 IN266 1967-70 Inter T-350, PG, Manual $19.00 $14.00
EC0047 Cable Clip, 2 Required $2.00 OE $2.00 IN410 1967-70 Inter T-400 $19.00 $14.00
RE267 1967-70 Rear Cable, Each $50.00 $40.00
GM Brake Cables 1958-64 Impala EC005 Connectors: Inter to Rear, Each $5.00 OE $5.00
H6701 Large Hook T-350, T-400, Manual $12.00 OE $12.00
EC0041 Equalizer with 2 Nuts $5.00 OE $5.00
EC0047 Cable Clip 3 Required, Each $2.00 OE $2.00
The Entire Set Stainless OE Steel
Parking Brake Cables Stainless OE Steel BSM6701 1967-70 Impala Entire Set ,T-350, $179.00 $119.00
FT6201 1958-64 Impala Front Cable $35.00 $25.00 PG, Manual-Includes Everything Listed Above
IN6201 1958-64 Impala Inter Cable $25.00 $15.00 BSM6702 1967-70 Impala Entire Set, T-400 $179.00 $119.00
Hardware EC005 Connectors: Inter to Rear, Each $5.00 OE $5.00 GM Brake Cables 1971-76 Impala Hardware
1958-64 Rear Cable, Each
Includes Everything Listed Above
U Clip Cable Clip, Each
$2.00 OE
The Entire Set
OE Steel
& BSM5801 1958-64 Impala Entire Set, All $179.00 $119.00 FT712 Parking Brake Cables Stainless OE Steel &
Includes Everything Listed Above
1971-76 Front Cable
1971-76 Intermediate - All
Cables GM Brake Cables 1965-66 Impala RE546 1971-76 Rear Cable, Each $55.00 $45.00 Cables
$5.00 OE
Connectors: Inter to Rear, Each
$5.00 OE
Equalizer with 2 Nuts
Brake EC0047 Cable Clip 3 Required, Each $2.00 OE $2.00 Brake
The Entire Set
OE Steel
1971-76 Impala Entire Set
Parking FT906 Parking Brake Cables Stainless OE Steel GM Brake Cables 1977-84 Impala Parking
Includes Everything Listed Above
1965-66 Front Cable,PG, T350 MT $55.00
1965-66 Front Cable,T400
IN309 1965-66 Inter, PG, T350, MT $19.00 $16.00 RE946 Parking Brake Cables Stainless OE Steel
1965-66 Inter, T400
1977-79 Rear Cable, Left
RE6501 1965 Rear Cable, Each $49.00 $39.00
RE6601 1966 Rear Cable, Each $49.00 $39.00 RE943 1977-79 Rear Cable, Right $75.00 $65.00
EC005 Connectors: Inter to Rear, Each $5.00 OE $5.00 EC0047 Cable Clip 3 Required, Each $2.00 OE $2.00
H6501 Large Hook, All $7.00 OE $7.00
EC0041 Equalizer with 2 Nuts $5.00 OE $5.00
EC0047 Cable Clip 3 Required, Each $2.00 OE $2.00 Inline Tube manufactures
parking brake cables in
The Entire Set Stainless OE Steel both aircraft quality
BSM6501 1965-66 Impala Entire Set, PG $179.00 $119.00 stainless steel or original
T350, MT Includes Everything Listed Above tin coated steel and look
BSM6502 1965-66 Impala Entire Set, T400 $179.00 $119.00
Includes Everything Listed Above identical to the originals.
Order Line 800. 385. 9452 15066 Technology Dr
Tech Support 586. 532. 1338 Shelby Twp, MI 48315