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Brake Cables - Chevrolet Trucks                                                                     Page
          Parking Brake Cable Sets                                                                            281

         GM Truck Brake Cables 1973-84 2wd                         All State of the art Computer Technology
                    Parking Brake Cables     Stainless  OE Steel            An Inline Tube Exclusive
         FT7300     1973-84 Front Cable      $65.00   $55.00
         IN7301     1973-84 Inter Short      $20.00   $16.00                          1.     This machine allows Inline
         IN7302     1973-84 Inter Long       $20.00   $16.00                          tube to precision program scan all
         IN7303     1973-84 Inter Blazer     $20.00   $16.00                          original factory lines with the
         RE730      1973-84 Rear Cable Ea, 1/2 Ton  $59.00  $49.00                    accuracy of .005 or a human hair. This
         RE731      1973-84 Rear Cable Ea, 3/4 Ton  $59.00  $49.00                    means no guess work or human
         EC005      Connectors: Inter to Rear  $5.00 OE  $5.00                        interpretation of lengths or angles.
         EC0041     Equalizer with 2 Nuts    $5.00 OE  $5.00                          This step is the most critical to achieve
         EC0047     Cable Clip, Each         $2.00 OE  $2.00                          an accurate part shape. The informa-
                    The Entire Set 1/2 - 3/4 ton                                      tion scanned from this machine is then
         BST7301    1973-84 Short 2wd - 1/2 Ton  $199.00  $169.00                     compiled to form a blueprint and
                                                                                      downloaded to the computer bender.
         BST7302    1973-84 Long 2wd - 1/2 Ton  $199.00  $169.00
         BST7303    1973-84 Short 2wd - 3/4 Ton  $199.00  $169.00
         BST7304    1973-84 Long 2wd - 3/4 Ton  $199.00  $169.00         Your Blue Print  For Precision
                    The Entire Set Blazer / Surburban
         BST7305    1973-84 Blazer 2wd       $199.00  $169.00    2.     The blueprint is what
         BST7306    1973-84 Suburban 2wd     $199.00  $169.00    allows the bender to know what to
                                                                 do. There is an individual blueprint
                                                                 for the over 30,000 lines that Inline
         GM Truck Brake Cables 1973-84 4wd                       tube manufactures. Each print lists
                    Parking Brake Cables     Stainless  OE Steel  the 3 dimensional data of angels,
         FT7301     1973-84 Front Cable      $65.00   $55.00     lengths and rotations to produce
                                                                 only the highest quality part
         IN7301     1973-84 Inter Short      $20.00   $16.00     shapes.
         IN7302     1973-84 Inter Long       $20.00   $16.00
         IN7303     1973-84 Inter Blazer     $59.00   $16.00               CNC Computer Bent Lines
                    1973-84 Rear Cable Ea, 1/2 Ton
     Hardware  RE731  1973-84 Rear Cable Ea, 3/4 Ton  $59.00  $49.00                     3.  The final step to the       Hardware
                                             $5.00 OE
                    Connectors: Inter to Rear
                    Equalizer with 2 Nuts
                                             $5.00 OE
                                                                                         process is to have a computer
                                             $2.00 OE
                    Cable Clip, Each
                                                                                         computer files directly from
     &   BST7341    The Entire Set 1/2 - 3/4 ton $199.00  $169.00                        bender that can read the        &
                    1973-84 Short 4wd - 1/2 Ton
                                                                                         programming equipment above.
     Cables  BST7343  1973-84 Short 4wd - 3/4 Ton  $199.00  $169.00                      This bender is connected to the  Cables
                    1973-84 Long 4wd - 1/2 Ton
                                                                                         main computer and bends right
                    1973-84 Long 4wd - 3/4 Ton
                                                                                         from the computer files. This is
                                                                                         the newest state of the art
                    The Entire Set Blazer / Surburban
     Brake  BST7345  1973-84 Blazer 4wd      $199.00  $169.00    machine has a three head carriage which allows for different  Brake
                                                                                         bender which requires no hand
                                                                                         programing or test samples. This
                    1973-84 Suburban 4wd
                                                                 radius bends in the same part shape. This feature ensures exact
         Other Listings Available Please Call
     Parking           Inline Tube has all the valves for        factory duplication.                                    Parking
                                                                         When it comes down to it, all parts are not made the
                                                                 same, Inline tube has spent countless hours and immense research
                       your classic. Rebuilding is costly and
                                                                 highest precision parts
                                                                                   on the market.
                       only as good as the original part.        to ensure the parts that are ordered for your pride and joy are the
                       Now you can buy new at a fraction
                       of the cost.
                                                                                    Other companies can make
                                                                                    parts but only one company
                                         All Inline tubes
                                         are manufactured                               assures a perfect fit.
                                         in a 45,000 sq ft
                                         facility, located in     All cables are assembled identical to factory
                                         the Motor City.               originals with correct spring wrap.
                                            Order Line 800. 385. 9452                         15066 Technology Dr
                                           Tech Support 586. 532. 1338                        Shelby Twp, MI 48315
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